Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

Sorry everyone i had a call out in Truro today which is 3 and a half hours drive from me and i just got home. thus Missed the post, so I'll be posting tomorrow.

I'll bag up tonight and take them with me for tomorrow.
Ok it's all bagged up and ready to go, i got enough for 4-5 more lots if anyone is intrested
this is the tank now :)


yes it needs a little tidying up, but I should have more next week.
plants just recieved hun, Many thanks x

Can i just ask which snails you have? It's come with some little red ish coloured ones there was about 6 tiny ones, but 1 has found its way into the tank haha.
I have no idea what they are, it's not MTS thought thank god!!!!

They don't do any damage though to plants.
Its ok i don't think he'll last long i'm planning on getting some pakistani loachs :)
Will you let me know when you have more though, love the stuff. Cheers

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