

Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Reading, UK
Hi all, it's my first post so thought I had better say hello :D

I inherited an 80L tank a few months ago. At the time I thought it was a simple case of filling the tank with water, switching the heater & filter on and then adding a few fish! :X Thankfully, that didn't happen due to having read some of the advice on here and I'm pleased to say that at the moment the tank is just over a month through a fishless cycle. The Fluval2+ filter is happily processing 5ppm of ammonia in 12 hours and the nitrites appear to have peaked and are slowly coming down; past two days having processed to 1.0ppm at 12 hours and zero at 24 hours. So hopefully I'll soon be seeing double zeros at 12 hours.

I have scaped the tank with a sand substrate along with some type of bogwood, java moss, java fern, moss balls and elodea. I don't have much light, just one 18w Grolux tube in the hood but I hope that this will be able to keep the plants happy.

I plan on creating a community tank and was thinking about small shoals of Danios, maybe Pearl Danio and Zebra Danio along with small shoals of Barbs, possibly Tigar Barb & Two Spot Barb. Was also thinking of possibly some shrimp and small catfish? but have not made any definate decisions and am not too sure on how many fish in total, so advice on that would be gratefully received.

Have to say that these forums have been a really helpful resource and having done a lot of reading & learning on here I've found it very useful!

Thanks :good:

Welcome to the forum.... and go to the top of the class !!!!! Its refreshing to "meet" someone who READS before diving in !
This is a cracking forum, there's a LOT of knowledgeable folk on here, so please ask anything you like... there are NO "silly questions" on here ! :good:

Hope you get a lot of pleasure from the hobby... you're in for life ! LOL :hyper:
Welcome Paul

It seems to me you have a good head on your shoulders and I second roosters comment regarding it being :good: that you researched prior to diving straight in.

Many many people think like you originally did, that you just fill the tank, pop on heater and filter and all is good to go (in a sense it is, but then you'd end up in a fish-in cycle situation which can be hard hard work) I think most peoples misinterpretation stems from fish stores that dont tend to give the 'whole' amount of advice needed when first setting up an aquarium so beginners should always take you approach and research beforehand.

Also as rooster said, there are many very knowledgable people on here with years of experience (I'm relatively new with only 4 years experience) so dont be shy about asking any questions as people are always willing to help people as best they can

Hi all, it's my first post so thought I had better say hello :D

I plan on creating a community tank and was thinking about small shoals of Danios, maybe Pearl Danio and Zebra Danio along with small shoals of Barbs,

I can personally recommend zebra danios. Great little fish that's highly entertaining to watch and impossible to photograph (never sit still!). They even nibble your fingers when feeding.
Hi and welcome

Only been in the hobby around 6 weeks myself. Unlike you I was sold the fishtank and fish from my lfs withouts even as much as a bit of advise.. He simply said "Fill up ya tank and put ya fish in!"
However..Since then i can happily say ive had success ( thanx to these guys :good: ). I got through the cycle (fish in) with little trouble but lots of work. Spent every night on here for hours reading as much as i can

Like the guys before said..This site is great and I may have become lost without it

(oh..and they got me through ick infestation with minimul stress and 100% success)

Good luck and enjoy yourself
Thank you kindly for the warm welcome all of you, much appreciated. The knowledge and advice that I have seen displayed on the many threads in the forums here has been really helpful and from what I've seen is given in a kind and supportive way that is so important for novices and newcomers like myself. It certainly showed me that there is more to it than I first thought...

So thanks again and keep up the great work all :good:

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