Search results

  1. T

    My New Rams

    Today i bought some ram's and i was looking closely at them about 5 mins ago, when i noticed this On the end of the top & back fin, it looks kind of fluffy... Is this fin rot? or white spot? realy hard to get a decent pic..
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    My New Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Is Acting Strange..

    Dont worry about the PH. You will still have to keep doing water changes. You see a nItrite spike, wich means ammonia is being processed, then u will start to see nitrAte, wich means nitrIte is being processed. keep doing frequent water changes untill ammonia is 0 and nItrite 0 for several...
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    Hello Guppy

    the bottom one looks nice :good:
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    Wrong Topics

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    Cutting Bogwood

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    Cutting Bogwood

    Lol :lol: I'm sure it cant be as hard as your making out!
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    Cutting Bogwood

    wuss, get it cut!
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    Cutting Bogwood

    should be fine.
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    Ammonia And Nitrite

    damage to the gills - impaired respiration - damage to skin, fins and the intestine... just about everything you could imagine realy. IIRC nitrite is worse then ammonia, but neither is good at all.
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    Fire Extinguisher Co2

    Try spraying one without the horn on *actually, DONT!*
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    My Favorite Plant

    At a first glance i thought u were over run with algae lol.
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    My Shrimp Photos

    Very nice. I like the blue & black tigers!
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    Fish Alive In Durham

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    :yahoo: First time i saw my plants pearl i was chuffed aswell, now the novelty has worn off a bit.
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    Fish Alive In Durham

    a think boots might de it like, divnt knar wor kid. (first time ive had a chance to type like that on a fish forum, SO I TOOK IT! :lol: )
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    Oh My God..extreme Fishing With Robson Green (evil)

    *puts down home made bow and takes off bandana* :angry:
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    New Rtg Arowana

    They say 60% of the time it works every time. amazin fish!
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    Over the top of the rhizome? You are effectivly burrying it if u do that, imo.
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    Ferts Advice Please

    EI is the cheapest.
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    A Little Advice Would Be Nice......

    My friend keeps them in his planted, and hasnt had any problems. Ive heard them causing havoc in other peoples tanks tho. Guess its a gamble.
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    Slight Algae Problems

    Around 8 - 12 hours a day
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    Double Trouble

    The pics look like they are tinted with green/yellow. Or am i seeing things?
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    I get a peice of flat slate and tie it to that, then put it on the sand and push the sand over the slate. So you cant see the slate, the roots are just under the substrate and the rhizome is not burried.
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    Fish Alive In Durham

    Looks realy bad tho! how much is he askin for them?
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    Fish Alive In Durham

    like 3 or 4 HUGE goldfish or koi in 1 of them tiny display tanks. I think theres about 4 tanks like that!
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    lol, nah but they look & smell great now :hyper:
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    I had my hands in my tank when i didnt wash the soap off properly and realised what id done, ended up with loads of bubbles and a weird surface scum for a few days. Did a few big water changes and it went. No fish died.
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    The Best Fish Shops - North East England

    I only know Fish Alive wich is good and a few other rubbish ones :/
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    Fish Alive In Durham

    Have a look over the far right hand side, the tanks on the bottom! :crazy:
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    Guppy Lovers

    Dont normally like guppies, but that looks nice.
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    Whats Your Stand?

    Wrought iron and can hold two 30" x 12" tanks Also have a 10G ontop of some Argos draws
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    Fish Alive In Durham The shop is now twice the size as it is on the pictures on his site.
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    Fish Alive In Durham

    Yea, its a pretty good shop. Probly best around near me.
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    Potted Plants

    Got a microsorum "narrow" the other day, but i could not remove ALL of the floss in wich it was planted in. not without totally destroying the roots anyway! So my question is, will the amount wich is left attached to the roots rot in the tank? Ive got it planted in sand.
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    Best Algae Eater For A Planted Tank?

    I have a bristle nose in my planted tank, it totaly destroys the algae but the amount of waste it produces is insane :crazy:
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    Redmoor Root Wood?

    Ive got a big bit of redmoor weighted down with 2 huge stones, and my gourami likes to sit underneath them *SQUISH* :hyper:
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    I am also waiting for an item that i orderd for a friend over a week and a half ago from them.
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    My Brand New Juwel Rio 180

    You should fill it out more, its got potential ;)
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    Snowball Peckoltia

    Thats a very nice plec u have there :) i want one
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    Am I Overstocked?

    My 'LFS' have 3 big Koi in 3ft tanks. :crazy: