Redmoor Root Wood?

it needs soaking but this is to keep it sunken, it floats when new, you can tie it to a piece of slate or something
as aaron says.

Mopani doesnt need soaking at all. It will sink the day you get it. however most people dont like the tannins that it leaches and soak it to remove some of them.

Redmoor is bouyant until thoroughly soaked. I soaked mine in the tank and weighted it down with stones. One branchy piece was soaked after 3½ weeks. The other "trunky" piece took 5 weeks.

Best to do it before putting it in the tank to be on the safe side because if it falls or a rock you have weighting it down falls the you could have squashed fish!!!

as aaron says.

Mopani doesnt need soaking at all. It will sink the day you get it. however most people dont like the tannins that it leaches and soak it to remove some of them.

Redmoor is bouyant until thoroughly soaked. I soaked mine in the tank and weighted it down with stones. One branchy piece was soaked after 3½ weeks. The other "trunky" piece took 5 weeks.

Best to do it before putting it in the tank to be on the safe side because if it falls or a rock you have weighting it down falls the you could have squashed fish!!!


Ive got a big bit of redmoor weighted down with 2 huge stones, and my gourami likes to sit underneath them *SQUISH* :hyper:

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