Whats Your Stand?


Aug 1, 2006
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arising out of this thread. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showto...p;#entry2117437

what is the material your tank stand is made of ie wood, metal, mdf, chipboard, old Volvo, whatever? plus the tank size ( volume). i would do a pole, but its hard to connect the tank size with the material, so the results would be worthless.

mine is chipboard, 50ukg
im not sure what material...actualy i think its oak..it has glass up the middle and steel poles to sturdy it.

also its a 36 gallon bow front with a 46 gallon bow front stand..works great! about 2 inches stick out around it
If my stand was bigger than my tank, I'd upgrade and get a bigger tank in a heartbeat.
6- chipboard covered in veneer,
3 solid oak tables,
1- wooden ikea laundry basket ( square),
1 bathroom worktop,
1 kitchen worktop
1 veneerd oak sideboard thing.

no problems with any of them *touch wood* :)
28 gallon - Solid wood table w/ middle support leg (i.e. 5 legs)
20 gallon (long) - Metal "double" Stand (i.e. can hold one on top, and one on the bottom)
2 1/2 gallon (glass w/ substrate) - Veneered Composite desk
2 1/2 gallon (acrylic no substrate) - Solid wood board (old cutting board), on a metal rack thing XD
My stands are wrought iron. I have a few double stands that can hold two tanks, but they're mostly single tank stands. They still have a shelf on them, and I can keep small tanks on those, but not too much weight.
Wrought iron and can hold two 30" x 12" tanks

Also have a 10G ontop of some Argos draws
Just brought the wood for mine today, its 2" x 2" frame with some very good quality ply, its getting built tomorrow for when my 72" x 18" x 18" arrives in a few weeks, can't wait. The wood has set me back £120 so far so should be cheaper than anything sold in the shops :good:
Most of my stands are home made out of "soft wood" such as pine, or spruce. I usually use a shelf made of 3/4 inch thick plywood for the tank itself to sit on. Soft woods are about as strong as so called hardwoods. The main difference is that the surface can be dented with a fingernail and the hardwoods are usually prettier with a stain than the soft woods. My tanks vary in size from a 10 US gallon to a 120 gallon.

Edit: spelling

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