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  1. deanrar

    Tank Size For Congo Tetras

    oky doky thanks for the info wil think again till i get a bigger tank
  2. deanrar

    Tank Size For Congo Tetras

    Hi, i'm setting up a 2 foot x 12 inch x 15 inch high tank and wondered if I could get a decent sized shoal of congo tetras in there. The tank will be heavily planted with a group of albino corys as tank mates.
  3. deanrar

    Neon Or Cardinal Tetras

    only got albino corrys in there with them
  4. deanrar

    Neon Or Cardinal Tetras

    i think i'm gonna take the easy option and get some of both lol and i assume they will shoal together (until they are more comfortable at least), would 6 of each be too much for my 2 foot tank?
  5. deanrar

    Neon Or Cardinal Tetras

    yeh i'v read up on both species just wanted some opion on which other people preffered out of the 2 and some experiences with them from other people
  6. deanrar

    Neon Or Cardinal Tetras

    am looking at putting some in my 2 foot cary breeding tank, so which one neon or cardinal and how many (6+ obviously)?
  7. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank, Some Opinions Please

    Would serpae tetra hassle or eat the cory fry or eggs?
  8. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank, Some Opinions Please

    any opinions on threadfin rainbowfish, what kind of group size to get for this tank if they will leave my cory babies and eggs alone, if not i think i'll be going with either cardinal tetras or harlequin rasbora, would love some more input. Dean.
  9. deanrar

    Sexing Angel Fish

    any more physical signs as I only have the one and was just wondering the sex for possibly breeding in the future
  10. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank, Some Opinions Please

    moss balls and i got mine off ebay, if your lucky u can get some really big ones most my fish seem to like them for either shelter or eating the little creatures on them
  11. deanrar

    Sexing Angel Fish

    Hi, just wanted to know how to sex angel fish
  12. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank, Some Opinions Please

    i keep removing the babies once they are big enough to a few other tanks so shudnt be too bad stocking them and heres what it looks like at the moment, a bit of a mess after catching the guppies I'll put some clearer close up ones on later too
  13. deanrar

    Stocking My Tank, Some Opinions Please

    well I have an aqua one ar-620 : • 62x39x52cm • 90 Litres Capacity Just moved my guppoes out as feeling a change for this tank, all thats in there is my breeding albino cories (about 10 plus fry hiding in mountains of java moss) and mountain and cherry shrimp. was wanting a group of colourful...
  14. deanrar

    Goldfish Cheek Has Gone Down!

    Yeh thats the guys
  15. deanrar

    Goldfish Cheek Has Gone Down!

    I have been looking after my brothers goldfish for a couple of weeks, they are the kind with big "puffed out" cheeks, well to my horror this afternoon when i got haome one of the fish had one side cheek much smaller than the other. I wondered is there anything i can do and will it survive or...
  16. deanrar

    Plant Id Please

    indeed an ivory apple snail getting in on my photo it didnt take me a long time to take the shot if a snail crawled in lol and thanks for the id i thought it was hornwort
  17. deanrar

    Plant Id Please

    i was thinking hornwort maybe, its been growing in my pond like mad and apologises for the bad quality photos my phone camera isnt great lol
  18. deanrar

    Water De-chlorinator, Essential?

    looks like i sparked quite a debate i have heard that the chlorine disapates after a couple of hours in the sun but still not sure what to do
  19. deanrar

    Water De-chlorinator, Essential?

    as the topic says is water de-chlorinator essential as i spend alot of money on tetra aquasafe and wondered if i could get away with not using it and saving a few quid
  20. deanrar

    What Type Of Cory Is This? (picture)

    I just bought 8 of little guys looking like that and the lfs called them corydoras Atropersonatus although now i take a closer look yours and mine both look more like brevirostris due to the black dorsal fin lol
  21. deanrar

    Ideas For Plants (no Co2 And Hard Water)

    cheers for the info will check out an lfs in the week to see what they have
  22. deanrar

    Ideas For Plants (no Co2 And Hard Water)

    as the topic says i am looking for hardy fast growing plants for my 34gal tall tank and the water in my area is rather hard with a ph of around 7.8 and i dont have extra co2 injection, any ideas?
  23. deanrar

    Lowering Ph

    i have never had to do this but i have moved away from uni to my parents house and the water is very hard and i have tested the water several times and nitrate, nitrite and ammonia all 0 several times in a row but the ph has been up to 8 and has settled at about 7.8 now and nealry all my fish...
  24. deanrar

    High Ph Range Cories

    since i have moved house the water in my new area is a lot harder than where i was and the ph range has moved from around 6.8-7 to now being 7.8-8 and i wondered if there were any cories which would enjoy the harder more alkaline water?
  25. deanrar

    Thinking About Addiung Glass Cats To My Shrimp/guppy Tank

    its only guppies and that will be that for this tank at the moment as it all seems quite happy and the glass cats were straight to the top for food this morning so it seems all good so far and they have claimed a corner already which is under my filter next to a log
  26. deanrar

    Dwarf Gourami And Angel Fish?

    i have decided to go with congo tetras instead if i can, would they be suitable tank mates for the dwarf gourami?
  27. deanrar

    Thinking About Addiung Glass Cats To My Shrimp/guppy Tank

    cheers for the info i managed to get 6 a little earlier from a local fish shop and they are only babies no bigger than my guppies so they will be ok for now then will be new aditions to my new 50gal after its matured i think
  28. deanrar

    Thinking About Addiung Glass Cats To My Shrimp/guppy Tank

    the tank is 20 gal and planted with 6 male guppies and about 20+ cherry shrimp, will these be ok together with a shoal of 6-8 glass cats without overstocking?
  29. deanrar

    Hard Choice To Make

    I think thats pretty comprehensive, i think i was swaying towards congos but been pushed there now lol
  30. deanrar

    Hard Choice To Make

    cheers for your info i'v had congs before and they were lovely looking fish but i had to get rid of them as i was overstocked with mollies at the time but now i have given nearly all of those away its time for a change
  31. deanrar

    Hard Choice To Make

    as it says i'm having a hard time choosing between a group of 6-8 congos or 2-3 angelfish for my 34 gal tall tank with 6 cories a kuhli and 2 yellow panchax
  32. deanrar

    Would My Female Molly Be Harrassed Too Much In My Guppy Tank

    i would like a golly but wudnt want to put her throught that
  33. deanrar

    Would My Female Molly Be Harrassed Too Much In My Guppy Tank

    I would like to move my female molly out of my tall tank as i would like to get a group of congo tetra but i was wondering would a female molly be harrassed too much with 6 male guppies in a 20 gal tank?
  34. deanrar

    Random Cory Death

    great info thanks neoncory the tank is 34gal with sand substrate, the tankmates are 1 dwarf gourami (male), 1 female molly, 1 molluy fry and 3 guppy fry (trying to move out as i dont want any females for my other tank (male livebearer) to breed with, 2 yellow panchax, 1 kuhli and the 2 other...
  35. deanrar

    Guppys And Cherry Shrimp ?

    i have 6 male guppies with cherry shrimp and the shrimp are breeding all the time with no problems and the guppies dont even bother the little ones, preferring to deal with themselves instead
  36. deanrar

    Random Cory Death

    I've just looked at my temp and its up to 77 degrees because of the heat in my room even with the door and windows open could that have killed them off if they were not used to that most thier life? and what would the optimal temp be for these little guys?
  37. deanrar

    Random Cory Death

    I got 4 panda cories to go with my 2 tester pandas just to see if i could keep them and about 6 days now since i bought them and this morning all dead! for the days i had them they followed the bigger 2 or went off in their own pairs and seemed lively enough and i was so supprised, i have no...
  38. deanrar

    Dwarf Gourami And Angel Fish?

    mine has been a terror in the past killing another male (sold to me as female), 2 dwarf gourami females and many molly juvies lol, but he has calmed alot since he killed his ladies, must be some fishy remorse i guess
  39. deanrar

    Another Fish For My Tank

    oh yeh they are pretty, i have a male dwarf gourami in my other tank that may need rehoming do u think he'd cause the shrimp and guppies any problems?
  40. deanrar

    Dwarf Gourami And Angel Fish?

    I'd love to get an angel for my 33 gal tall tank but not sure about 1 or pair with my dwarf gourami or even yellow panchax and molly, any opinions on their compatability