What Type Of Cory Is This? (picture)


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I always assumed it was a peppered, I think it's something else though after looking at some pics. .
I just bought 8 of little guys looking like that and the lfs called them corydoras Atropersonatus although now i take a closer look yours and mine both look more like brevirostris due to the black dorsal fin lol
I just bought 8 of little guys looking like that and the lfs called them corydoras Atropersonatus although now i take a closer look yours and mine both look more like brevirostris due to the black dorsal fin lol

Well, I think petsmart is the worst for selling fish of the wrong name to people. They take care of the fish at mine but they always sell the wrong fish. They sold me a JD as a convict, they sold me a redtail tinfoil barb as a regular one, a brevirostris as a peppered (no complaints here though :p). I think they get random stuff and don't know what it is or don't have a label so they just sell as something that looks like it.
Amerce, it's not a Schwartzi. The Cory above has dots on it's body rather than the broken lines Schwartzi have.
No its not a Schwartzi. Looking at it quickly you could mistake it for a Schwartzi but you can see the cory in question has actual dots on its body but the Schwartzi has more of a dotted line formation on its body. Plus Frank (Coryologist) knows his stuff!!


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