Dwarf Gourami And Angel Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
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Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
I'd love to get an angel for my 33 gal tall tank but not sure about 1 or pair with my dwarf gourami or even yellow panchax and molly, any opinions on their compatability
I have a dwarf gourami in with two angels and they do just fine. They dont pay any attention to one another. The dwarf gourami are really peaceful fish. Ive never seen mine bother any of the other fish at all.
mine has been a terror in the past killing another male (sold to me as female), 2 dwarf gourami females and many molly juvies lol, but he has calmed alot since he killed his ladies, must be some fishy remorse i guess
the angels would be fine. i have angels with dwarfs too. but your congos may face a threat. keep your dwarf occupied by housing more of them. 1 male to 2 female ratio
I have an angel and a dwarf gourami.. they are perfectly fine.. the aggression u saw in the past isnt unheard of tho,, they are peaceful fish but will stand their ground and the guy at my lfs was tellin me about his keepin aggressive fish that are 10 inches in size in order, i havent expierenced that with mine but i have had him keep other fish such as an opaline gourami or sharks in line. As said by the others he ignores or just plainly swims next to the angelfish, they are quite the pair as they both tend to stay around eachother in the same corner of the tank at times.. O and i find dwarf gourami, angel and sevrums all seem to be best friends in my tank.
lol, i never get any peaceful dwarf gouramis. all mine are evil devils and they would run the tank.
My female dwarf gourami is pretty bossy with all my small fish, and does squabble with my angelfish for food...the angel always wins in the end though.

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