Guppys And Cherry Shrimp ?

i have 6 male guppies with cherry shrimp and the shrimp are breeding all the time with no problems and the guppies dont even bother the little ones, preferring to deal with themselves instead
Red cherry shrimps can be kept with community fish I think. All my local fish stores carry red cherrys with other community fish such as tetras, guppies, mollys, ect.
But I did notice they had alot of hiding spots such as rocks and plants for the cherry shrimps to hide

Maybe that will give you an idea
I had 4 black widow tetra's in my tank when i decided to put in some red cherry shrimp. Well after the first day one got lost I thought it jump ship then 3 days later while walking by the tank i took a look to see how things were going when I realized one of my tetras look like it had red lipstick upon further inspection it was the tail of the red cherry shrimp. So yes with smaller tetras like neons but I would put them with my black widows again. And I have plenty of plants and stuff as it's my experiment plant tank. so there's places to hide.
thanks for the replies, the only fish they will be with will be guppys so i think i will give it a go, they will have plenty of plants to hide away in

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