Stocking My Tank, Some Opinions Please


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
well I have an aqua one ar-620 :
• 62x39x52cm
• 90 Litres Capacity

Just moved my guppoes out as feeling a change for this tank, all thats in there is my breeding albino cories (about 10 plus fry hiding in mountains of java moss) and mountain and cherry shrimp.

was wanting a group of colourful, interesting and active fish that will not eat my cory fry of eggs.

What do you all think?
Fell free to ask any questions.

> I Wouldn't add too much more, maybe a small shoal of 'Rummy-Noses', Glowlight or Cardinal Tetras?? Harlequin Rasboras?

These should not eat Fry, but not sure about the eggs...

Any chance of Pics?

i keep removing the babies once they are big enough to a few other tanks so shudnt be too bad stocking them and heres what it looks like at the moment, a bit of a mess after catching the guppies


I'll put some clearer close up ones on later too
I like those round moss ball things in your tank - i have seen them on a few tanks. What are they? and where do you find them?
moss balls and i got mine off ebay, if your lucky u can get some really big ones most my fish seem to like them for either shelter or eating the little creatures on them
any opinions on threadfin rainbowfish, what kind of group size to get for this tank if they will leave my cory babies and eggs alone, if not i think i'll be going with either cardinal tetras or harlequin rasbora, would love some more input.
I would go with Cardinal tetras. They always look real nice in a planted tank. Also those moss balls go by the name marimo moss balls as well. You can get them off as well.

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