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  1. J

    choosing UV Sterilizer and Protein Skimmers

    As Ostrow said, ASM or Euro-Reef are great skimmers. I use a Euro-Reef. I also use a 57 watt Aqua UV on my 125. They are great units. They use a T-5 bulb for a more powerful delivery of rays. You can find them at Marine Depot, Custom Aquatic or at Premium Aquatics. Jim
  2. J

    Metal Halide bulbs?

    You want to get 10k, 14k or 20k bulbs. 10k would be the best for coral growth; however, they tend to give off a yellowish color as well. Many reefers supplement the 10k's with actinc PC's, T5's of VHO's in order to give the tank a better look (if you like that). I use Hamilton 14k's and get...
  3. J

    overflow plumbing

    I would recommend a Euro-reef or an ASM protein skimmer. I run my skimmer off of my overflow drain, and the re-circulating needle wheel pump creates the bubbles inside the body. Unless you get a recirculating model, the skimmer pump will drive the skimmer. If you are planning on using an insump...
  4. J

    Sump skimmer advioce

    I agree totally with you GL. I just set up a RR 125 FOWLR. I bought a Euro-Reef CS8-2 Re-circ. I T'd off one of my drains to feed the skimmer. I still haven't recived it yet, but I'll hook it up when it comes and I'll post some pics. Jim
  5. J

    lighting and filter questions

    AAAhhhh. Live rock for $9 bucks a pound???? What a rip off. I get 45 lb boxes of cured LR for $150.00 at my LFS. If I pay cash, no tax. I'm sorry to hear that. Jim
  6. J

    live rock lighting

    If you want coraline algae to grow on your new rock, you will want at least PC lighting. Of course, that is if you want coraline algae. Jim
  7. J


    Let's see 240 starfire glass drilled 125 gallon sump/fuge Bubble King skimmer or H&S A500x51260 or a deltec 703 (I love high end skimmers) 2 250 watt Ice cap MH w/ electronic ballasts Tunze Turbelle 6100 set with Tunze timer Iwaki W/japanese moter Pumps 2x 40 watt Aqua UV with wipers FOWLR...
  8. J

    thinkin of startin sw

    RamJet is right, it is a big commitment. When I got into the hobby I thought that a FO system would be much easier that a reef. Was I wrong. My FOWLR system is a pain. I do a 35 gallon a week water change just to keep my nitrates at around 10-15ppm. My reef, its self contained. I change 10...
  9. J

    Water Changes

    Navarre, I know that RO water is low on oxygen, but is this also true with DI water that has not passed through an RO unit? Jim
  10. J

    Ammonia taking off

    Get some amquel or prime. Put it in the tank. Don't add anymore fish. Please a buy a book and read it. This is not like freshwater (if that is your background). These fish come from the ocean. You are trying to recreate the OCEAN in a 7 gallon tank. God himself might have difficulty doing this...
  11. J

    Latest pics

    Lookin good! Jim
  12. J

    New canopy

    Thanks guys!
  13. J

    New canopy

    Just finished building my new canopy. I put some TEK T5's in it for a brighter look. Any thoughts on how it looks? Jim
  14. J


    live rock. at least 1lb per gallon. your not going to find a better filter than that. jim
  15. J


    no, not enough. you'll need at the very least power compact for the anemone. in fact, most on this forum would reccomend metal halides if you insist on keeping an anemone. they require lot's of light. good luck! jim
  16. J

    h&s skimmer

    actually the 6-2 is on my 125 gallon. it's a little undesized according to the euro-reef website, but i'm gonna upgrade it to the sedra 3500 pump. euro-reef said that after the upgrade, the skimmer will be just fine for my tank size. all my lfs are now stocking only the rs models. they told me...
  17. J

    h&s skimmer

    thanks ostrow! i just installed my new euro-reef rs6-2 today.
  18. J

    h&s skimmer

    i'm gonna uprade my fo skimmer to either a euroreef, grotech, deltec or h&s. i like the h&s because it doesn't have to go in the sump. if i buy an in sump skimmer, i will need to buy new pumps too that are capable of running outside the sump. so doea anyone know about these products, or is it...
  19. J


    thank you for your advice paulo :D i did buy the set at my lfs. i wound up with a set of open ended 175 watt hamilton metal halides. two 14k bulbs, and 2 electronic ballasts. the set looks great! my last question is, about how much per month will it cost to run these things for 6 hours a day? i...
  20. J

    Coral Vital - Reef tank energizer

    also for coraline algae, look into a product called B-ionic, if you haven't already. it wil make your coraline algae grow like crazy.
  21. J

    Coral Vital - Reef tank energizer

    yeah i use it on my reef. it kicks a#$. one cap full a week for a 50 gallon. it's a little bit pricey though. jim :D
  22. J


    i use coralife salt and i think it says to add 4 cups for 10 US gallons. i'm not sure what kind of sg it gives because i constantly adjust it as i go. one thing is for sure, its better to add less than more. you can alway up the ammount of salt as you go, but if you put too much you have to take...
  23. J


    what a week! first i get my halides set-up, then my sebae finally anchors! i have no doubt that the new lights are the reason why it has done this. it could not have chosen a better spot. right in the front of the tank where i can see it and my clown whenever i want. :D good times!
  24. J

    Tank construction is finished!!!!!

    nice set up! theres nothing like doing it right the first time! :D
  25. J

    Fish for new tank...

    i hear green chromis make excellent reef inhabitants. i've read you should introduce them in groups of 3. i think i might buy some for myself soon :D
  26. J

    aahhh yeahh

    pics pics pics.
  27. J


    some people are different, but i waited 1 full month before introducing my clean-up crew into my reef tank. i then waited another 2 weeks before i introduced my algae blenny. thats 6 weeks. probably the hardest 6 weeks of my life but i have no regrets. and aside from a lost snail here and a lost...
  28. J

    aahhh yeahh

    thanks for the advice. i started to run my tank at the begging of august. so far, all is well but if the clam likes nitrate that is going to be a problem. my tank is still testing 0ppm. i'm planning a trip to japan for 3 weeks in the middle of december and won't return until the middle of...
  29. J

    aahhh yeahh

    just finished painting my canopy, it looks great. i'll post some pics when i have more time. i called my lfs to see if my 150 hqi's came in. he said no... but he had a set of 175 watt hamiltons he needed to sell at the bargin price of $250.00 bucks. i couldn't believe it. i'll have the system up...
  30. J

    My R/O system is scheduled to arrive tomorrow

    oohhh, well i'm not sure then. sorry bout that. i don't know if you need to wash it or not. one of my friends set up a tank a few years back and he did not wash the sand first. he put it in, then cycled the tank. it might however, be a good idea to wash it. also, can you tell us what type of...
  31. J

    My R/O system is scheduled to arrive tomorrow

    thats awsome! i still don't use ro but the water here in sacramento is just fine. i do intend on getting one soon however. okay, put your base rock down first, then fill your tank with water, but not all the way. put your live rock on top of your base. place the bag of sand in the water and...
  32. J

    miracle mud

    i just put some mm in my refugium with some chaetomorpha. i have heard that anaerobic bacteria grows best when the mm is not moved around. is this true? i placed a hermit crab in the fuge and when it moves around, it stirs up the surface of the mud. not too bad, but it leaves tracks and sifts...
  33. J

    sunset wrasse

    i woke up this morning to discover that my white spotted eel got hungry during the night, and decided to eat my sunset wrasse. she was the most beautiful fish in the tank. i know it was the eel because it had a large bulge in it's belly strangley similar the the size the wrasse used to be. i now...
  34. J


    i just fineshed building my canopy for my reef tank. (it looks sweet!) my lfs is supposed to hook me up with a halide retrofit kit, but i would like to see if i could get one cheaper online. i'm looking for a 150 or 175 watt retrofit kit w/ 2 bulbs to mount inside the canopy. anyone know of a...
  35. J

    A few questions...

    i'll answer the questions that i can but i don't want to mislead you on the items i'm not sure about. 200 watt heater should be fine. i've got a 250 watt in my 125 gallon. just make sure yu have good water movement around it. i don't know about your pump. i know you should cylce you tank about...
  36. J

    THIS is NORMAL?????

    how long did you acclimate them for? inverts need at least 45 minutes to 1 hour of acclimation time. i've got a huge red leg hermit that kept pulling my other small hermits out of their shells. maybe there was something like that going on?? i placed him in my refugium and sometimes he goes days...
  37. J

    hang on fuge

    great, thanks a lot! one of my lfs told me that it would not be enough, but in theroy, it should at the very least help a little right? i don't plan to get rid of my nitrates entirley (in my fish only tank) because i have lot's of fish that eat a ton of meaty foods and a bit wet/dry that pumps...
  38. J

    hang on fuge

    thanks for the advice! the 25 gallon fuge is on my reef tank. i set my reef tank up with live rock/ refugium and skimmer filtration . it works absolutely perfectly. no nitrates. but my fish only set up is run with some live rock (maybe 25 lbs) and mainly very large wet/dry filter and skimmer...
  39. J

    hang on fuge

    i'm thinking about buying a hang on refugium for my 125 fo tank. the sole purpose would be to help lower nitrates in the display. my nitrates test around 15-20 but i would like to lower them more. so my question is would a hang on refugium like this one hang on fuge be large enough to make a...
  40. J

    THIS is NORMAL?????

    yeah its normal. like chkltcow said, it probably the tap water. reduce the lighting and as soon as your tank is cycled and get some turbo snails and an algae blenny. they will take care of all that and more in like two days. it completely normal for brown algae to grow. the reason why it growing...