aahhh yeahh


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Sactown Cali.
just finished painting my canopy, it looks great. i'll post some pics when i have more time. i called my lfs to see if my 150 hqi's came in. he said no... but he had a set of 175 watt hamiltons he needed to sell at the bargin price of $250.00 bucks. i couldn't believe it. i'll have the system up and running by tomorrow night. my first purchase will be a long awaited clam. oh how i cherish these moments.
I waited 6 months before placing a clam in my system :*)
They not only like intense lighting but they need a mature system with stable water conditions as they draw on trace eliments in the water to help nurish themselves.

Some people get away with placing clams in right away but considering clams like a trace of Nitrate in the system this might not be available to a new system.

The Blue clams are also very much more delicate when compared to the brown clams. I have had my brown clam for 2 momths now but im not confident that my system is reday for a blue yet :sad:
thanks for the advice. i started to run my tank at the begging of august. so far, all is well but if the clam likes nitrate that is going to be a problem. my tank is still testing 0ppm. i'm planning a trip to japan for 3 weeks in the middle of december and won't return until the middle of january. i'll reconsider the clam until i return. thanks again, jim
You miight get away with keeping it but i thoughti would give you what i have experienced and leartn from others. I would hate for the clam to deteriorate whilst you were away and cause major problems to the tank. The problems withj clams (and most bivalves) is that its very hard to see whan something is wrong. I had this trouble just last week when my flame scallop died although i didnt know this.. most of it had rotted away and yet parts of it were still looking alive... of course, the parts that i could see were the healthy looking bits... the bad bits wee out of site. had me very worried until i discovered it had a parasetic crab living in it (Pea Crab) so it was removed before the crab could migrate to the clam (as these crabs will live in any bivalve)
pics pics pics.



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