

Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2004
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Sactown Cali.
i picked up a purple sebae anemone last week. i seems healthy, it's colors are bright, and my clown fish has taken to it already, but it hasn't anchored yet. i read on another thread that this may take weeks. my question is, how do i know if the anemone is healthy in the mean time? is there anything specific i should watch for? how do you know if it is dying? right now i'm using 4 pc 65 watt 10k bulbs. my lfs told me this was enough light, but i plan to upgrade to metal hailide by this winter.
IS he open and not anchored, or all balled up yet?

Man, they are a pain at times. But the seabe is one of the best to have IME
he's open, not anchored. i have however, noticed some, not much deterioration in it's tentacles. it's mouth is shut almost always, it doesn't smell bad and it still sticks to my hand when i touch it. i have been doing alot of resarch, and appearently they can be quite a bit of trouble. if i loose this one, i "might" try again in several months when my tank is more stable. however, i don't want to force the issue. if i can't keep one, i won't.
i fed it last week. i put some krill in the tank and the clown fed it i believe. i didn't see it happen because it turned around, but the piece of krill was gone so i assumed that it ate. i'll try again this afternoon. jim
well, it's accepting food, still looks good, mouth is shut and it's body is not closed up. it actually appears to be very healthy. it contiues to circle around the tank but has not yet anchored. i adjusted some of the flow in the tank so there is less circulation but i don't know what else to do. any suggestions, or do i just wait it out?
Just keep an eye on it, I think all sounds well so far.

You probably know, but just in case. They usually doit often, they shrink up and then inflate again and you can also see the poo coming out the mouth when they are done, it's all normal.

But yeah just keep an eye on it, so far so good :thumbs:. Once anchored keep looking at it for a while to come for any changes.
what a week! first i get my halides set-up, then my sebae finally anchors! i have no doubt that the new lights are the reason why it has done this. it could not have chosen a better spot. right in the front of the tank where i can see it and my clown whenever i want. :D good times!

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