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  1. M

    lava rock?

    Yeah I have a tank with lava rock. They love it!
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    Getting the tank right for African Cichlids

    Here are some of my fishies! :D
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    Getting the tank right for African Cichlids

    Ooo! Oo ooo! Pick me! :D I just fishless cycled a 55 gallon tank for my cichlids. It was my first time and I did it successfully. I even moved to a new apartment! I just pure ammonia from Ace Hardware. I used a sirenge to measue it. I added enough to get my ammonia reading up to 5ppm. Then...
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    what could i get?

    Yellow Labs. My boyfriend has two females and one male in his tank. They are pretty peaceful and don't seem to dig. Plus both females just had a set of fry and one of them is working on another one! We have 19 baby fishies right now and more on the way! We are looking for some way to stop our...
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    What is it fin rot?!

    I'm so worried. I love my fishies. My 29 gallon tank holds three red zebras and two yellow tailed violet cichlids. They are all healthy and happy. The tank is a little small I think so I just bought a 55 for them but it is still cycling so they are still in the 29. I noticed the other day my...
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    need cycling help!

    Yes when I moved the tank I had to dump out all of the water that was in the tank. I left enough to cover the substrate and left all of the water in my canister filter. was a very big water change. So do you think it's done cycling? :blink:
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    need cycling help!

    And no I haven't conditioned the water yet. Dechlorinated it and all of that stuff. When should I do that?
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    need cycling help!

    It was off the chart before I moved the tank I don't know what it is now.
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    need cycling help!

    Oh please help me. :( Here is the story. I got a 55 gallon tank with flourite gravel because it's going to be a planted tank. I started cycling on November 16. I'm fishless cycling for the first time. I added enough ammonia to get the water level to 5ppm which took 5mL of pure ammonia. I then...
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    Fin/Tail Rot?

    I have the same problem but with cichlids. They have white scales in which some are falling off. They look "dry". Also their fins look a little rigid and one fish has a hole in one of her fins. Does this sound like fin rot? Or could it be something else? I'm awfully worried about my fishies. :(
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    need a pet HELP

    Fish. They are always good. Granted you can't cuddle with them, but it's a fun hobby and they are relaxing to watch. Birds crap everywhere and are loud and stuff. I live in an apartment and have fishies. :)
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    Urgent help with Labrador refusing to eat.

    I have had Labs before. Currently have a black lab. First never go to that vet again! I'd find a good vet, research them and make sure they are good. Ask around for advice on a good place to take your dog. Call them and ask what you should do. I'd even try taking her someplace else to get...
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    hairy algae while cycling?!

    I'm currently fishless cycling a 55 gallon tank. It has flourite gravel b/c I intend on getting plants but have none right now. I had my ammonia spike and now ammonia is at zero. My nitrites and nitrates are off the chart right now. I originally dosed it with pure ammonia untill the water read...
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    what cichlids to add to 55?

    I just bought a 55 gallon tank and it's almost cycled! :D I have five african cichlids in my 29 gallon that will be moved to the new tank. They're excited I can tell :P They are three red zebras and two yellow tailed violet cichlids. My question is what other cichlids can I add to the...
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    fishless cycle mess up?

    So I'm fishless cycling a 55 gallon tank. I had some difficulty and need some advice here. I added pure amonia from a hardware store to raise the amonia up to about 5 - 5.5 ppm. To raise it to that level it took 5mL. So I then added 5mL every day. I started last Sunday. My nitrites today are at...
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    what reactor for a 55?

    If you haven't heard my story yet here is.....I'm setting up a 55 gallon planted cichlid aquarium. I realize this is a challange with cichlids but I'm up for it. Anywho, I think I'm going to go with a pressurized co2 tank. It sounds like it's less of a hassle. My question is, what kind of...
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    best co2 for 55

    I have a 55 gallon tank cycling right now. It's going to be a cichlid tank planted tank. I don't know what the best way to do CO2 is? I've read about these DYI systems like the Hagen CO2 plant system. Or I don't know if I should buy a CO2 tank and do it thay way. Can anyone shed some light on...
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    Decorating ideas please

    Actually I got my stump at PetSmart! :) I like it
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    How do you make beneficial bacteria?

    You can fishless cycle with amonia. Add pure amonia untill you reach 5ppm then keep adding that amount every day untill amonia reaches zero. Add sponges from establish aquriums into the water to speed things up. Or increase the heat just a little.
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    Do fish have ears?

    They can probably feel the vibrations real well though. I've been warned about putting a tank near speaker and such.
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    Oh no! ... Time to move!

    Wolfefish Lowe's carries them. I don't know if they are still in season. Or Home Depot. :no: But they are the devil.
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    Oh no! ... Time to move!

    Thanks. I'm nervous. I'm not only moving to a new apartment but my fish are moving into a new 55 gallon tank from a 29. It's like two shocks at once!
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    Decorating ideas please

    Umm...who is freshmike?
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    Oh no! ... Time to move!

    I've moved twice and getting ready for a third move. Hopefully this is the last one for awhile. Any who. Have a set plan pictured in your head on what your going to do so you don't screw something up. You want this to go as fast and smoothly as possible. I'd move the fish tanks and fish last...
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    Good Bottom Feeder

    I'd just add some more ottos. I heard these guys are pretty good clean up crew. There are pretty sensative to water and such so be careful.
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    Fishless Cycling

    I'm doing fishless cycle right now in my 55 gallon tank. I added one mL of amonia and that was plenty. I was told to add enough amonia to get the amonia level up to about 5 ppm's. Then add the same amount of amonia every day untill the amonia level reached zero.
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    Sound good to me! :D I'm sure your fishies love you for it. :wub:
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    Help!! 1 dead swordtail

    What other fishies are in the tank with these guys? I know some swordtails can be awfully sensative. Are they getting enough oxygen in the tank? Are other fishies being mean to these guys?
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    Decorating ideas please

    I just got my 55 gallon tank. It is cycling as we speak. :D It is going to be a planted cichlid tank. I know wish me luck :/ Anywho I need ideas on how to decorate this sucker! So far I have the florite gravel which is a red, orange, brown color and a big grey tree stump. The tree stump is...
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    Nutrafin Natural Plant System

    I was telling someone about using this system And they were concerned with the pressure. A CO2 tank has a constant pressure that you can regulate. This Nutrafin System runs out of pressure when it gets close to being empty. What do ya think? :unsure:
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    What lighting to use?

    I'm setting up a 55 gallon tank with plants of course. ;) As well as my African Cichlids. I'm not rich and the lights off of AH Supply and places like that seem so expenisive. Is there any other way I can get lighting with spending my life savings?
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    Nutrafin Natural Plant System

    Do you know how many gallons one of those systems is for? I have a 55 and am concerned with how many I will need.
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    Its darting around and moving really fast

    Maybe he is constipated??? :blink: Just kidding. Maybe he is stressed out. Is there a lot of movement by is tank? Or does it get bumped? That could do it. What are the water levels? Or maybe he is just scared in his new tank. Is there something for him to hide in?
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    IM MOVING!!! :)

    I've moved twice with my fish so maybe I can help. We drain all the water out of the tank leaving the gravel in. Just sit the filter in the aquarium. The last move I put fish in small coolers with the water that's from their tank. Move them as little as possible and fast as possible. Make sure...
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    CO2 or no CO2?

    I've been told different things. I plan to set up a 55 gallon planted aquarium with my african cichlids. I plan to get the special plant substrate and nutrients etc. I want to get Java Ferns, some Vals of some sort and grassy type plants my fish won't chow down on. So, do I need a CO2 tank system?
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    cichlids with plants?

    I am a girl thanks! :D :*
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    Tiny Bubbles

    It's a very good thing. :nod: Congrats! Your plants are giving off oxygen. This means they are healthy. What kind of CO2 system and lighting are you using?
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    Nutrafin Natural Plant System

    I'm setting up a 55 gallon cichlid tank and am possible going to put plants in it. I talked to a guy with an awesome planted cichlid tank. :nod: He said to use this Nutrafin Natural Plant System. Was wondering if anyone knew anything about it or has tried it? If so do you still have to buy a...
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    My first cichlid question! :) has live delivery. I don't know how much they charge for delivery. Or look in the phone book for pet stores. We have a Petsmart, and Superpets where I live and they are good. As for the fish part. I love red zebras. I have three and they are so much fun. They are brightly...