Urgent help with Labrador refusing to eat.


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Jan 17, 2002
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My black lab was never very greedy, but this four- five days she has refused to eat anything. It all started as she had a lump on her tail to be removed by the vet a week ago and she came back looking really miserable, unfortunately it got infected (the vet said it was ok for her to lick it :no: ) and so this meant more visits to the vet, since this she has just stopped eating altogther. The vets gave her antibiotics and I'm wondering if these have somehow affected her. We left her in at the vet overnight as they needed to do something to the tail and when we came in the next day we learnt that they had force fed her. She is now almost a trembling wreck and a real shadow of her former self, even more alarmingly she still hasn't eaten. I have vowed not to return to that vet we went in with a healthy dog and after £1000 of operations they have said that they'll need another £500 to do some more scans. I am not a rich person and would love more than anything to spend whatever was needed to get her the best treatment but the fact is i'm not i can't and I have to be pragmatic. As terrible as it sounds the way it is going she may have to be put down and she is only 7 :(

Please can you give any advice knowledge you know of to get a dog back eating again, she looks so thin. She has been drinking and passing water, but she's been drinking less than usual, foodwise she threw up twice what I imagine was the force feed the vet gave her. She did eat a small piece of chocolate cake (i really mean a crumb :( ) but since then we have tried milk, meat, chocolate, dog treats and she although shows interest in it (even took one dog biscuit in mouth) then drops it. This is really tearing me apart and any and all advice is very welcomely recieved. She seems to be lacking almost all her energy, her tail however has been recovering.

Could the drugs the vet gave her have upset her stomach lining if so what to do? Please please help.
william.......my mums dog also had the same problem......is there anything wrong with her mouth?..........our dog had a mouth infection which lead to swollen gums and tongue.....so even tho he was really hungry he couldnt eat it....but we didnt know this for a few days until the vet looked in his mouth

we were told that as long as they are drinking water then there shouldnt be a problem with him not eating for 7-10 days

anno u not got the money.......but id enquire as to how much an emergency drip would cost for ur dog

sorry to hear bout her being poorly and i hope she gets well soon

Sorry to here bout you Lab mate, know what you're going through. Do you know what the lump was on the tail? Also if there was a cyst there and the dogs been licking it you may find that he swolled some of the pus which could cause stomach problems. Any ideas what the temperature is? Have you tried feeding her on something bland like egg and rice or chicken and rice or even white fish, sometimes they can manage that (won't upset their gut either). Another option (unfortunately it'll probably mean another trip to the vet) you can buy food very much like babys food and syringe it into their mouths or even put in your fingers and let them lick it off.

Is there any other vets in the area that you could try for a second choice, explain the circumstances financially etc theres a lot of them out there which are really understanding.
William said:
My black lab was never very greedy, but this four- five days she has refused to eat anything. It all started as she had a lump on her tail to be removed by the vet a week ago and she came back looking really miserable, unfortunately it got infected (the vet said it was ok for her to lick it :no: ) and so this meant more visits to the vet, since this she has just stopped eating altogther. The vets gave her antibiotics and I'm wondering if these have somehow affected her. We left her in at the vet overnight as they needed to do something to the tail and when we came in the next day we learnt that they had force fed her. She is now almost a trembling wreck and a real shadow of her former self, even more alarmingly she still hasn't eaten. I have vowed not to return to that vet we went in with a healthy dog and after £1000 of operations they have said that they'll need another £500 to do some more scans. I am not a rich person and would love more than anything to spend whatever was needed to get her the best treatment but the fact is i'm not i can't and I have to be pragmatic. As terrible as it sounds the way it is going she may have to be put down and she is only 7 :(

Please can you give any advice knowledge you know of to get a dog back eating again, she looks so thin. She has been drinking and passing water, but she's been drinking less than usual, foodwise she threw up twice what I imagine was the force feed the vet gave her. She did eat a small piece of chocolate cake (i really mean a crumb :( ) but since then we have tried milk, meat, chocolate, dog treats and she although shows interest in it (even took one dog biscuit in mouth) then drops it. This is really tearing me apart and any and all advice is very welcomely recieved. She seems to be lacking almost all her energy, her tail however has been recovering.

Could the drugs the vet gave her have upset her stomach lining if so what to do? Please please help.
next, i'd say its the antibiotics, and if the tail is indeed infected, this can also be making her not feel well. what the vet should have had you do was get one of those lampshade collars to keep her from licking it (it can't heal very well and stay clean if she's continually mucking with it....) have you taken her to a different vet? thats the best recommendation. do you have a local rspca? they may be cheaper than a regular vet..................... there may be some internal problem that until now just wasn' apparent. or as said, something with her mouth. maybe what they used to anethezize (sp?) her had some affect. i know after i've had surgery the stuff they use to knock me out always leaves me nauseous for days and a sore throat....
i'd have her looked at before you decide to put her down. as long as she's taking water and passing it okay, she's still okay. one thing that may get her to eat is gravy over food (either some cooked up hamburger meat or dog food), or even just try gravy alone (if its a mouth/throat problem).
i hope you figure out the problem soon. please keep us posted.
Hi guys lith it was a cyst yes. tek thanks for the advice, I've had a good check and as I say she's been in and out of the vets more times than rolf harris and theres nothing wrong with her mouth/throat.

I have not actually tried egg and will do that now but I have tried rice/chicken and white fish. I'll look into finding another vet and also finding some of this puppy food you talk of. Her temperature is perfectly normal and does not look in pain. Her blood test was also normal.
:( I am so sorry to hear that about you dog. I am very much a dog person, and I can't imagine what I'd do if my dogs got sick like that. I've never heard of an anitbiotic making a dog have an upset stomach, other drugs maybe, but I'm no expert. Another opinion from a vet is a good idea, but if you budget it low...
I haven't seen your dog, or met the vet, but I find is it sort of strange that the vet said it was okay for the dog to lick it. Usually they say to not let the dog to do so, and might even make them wear an elizebeth collar. I hope you dog comes around, keep us posted!
In that case its most likely either a stomach upset or the antibiotics. Its not so much puppy food as a mixture of nutrients, but if you do get it from the vets get a really large syringe (no needle) and try trickling into her mouth, she may start lapping it up then. Gravy is good just be careful with anything too rich especially if she hasn't eaten much. With the egg just make it like scrambled eggs but with no milk etc in it

Totally agree with Molly though, Chocolate has a similar effect on dogs as drugs do on us and can cause their heart to stop.

Keep us informed mate on how it goes, if you're still getting problems theres a few ppl I can ask. Take care and good luck.
next, i'd say its the antibiotics, and if the tail is indeed infected, this can also be making her not feel well. what the vet should have had you do was get one of those lampshade collars to keep her from licking it (it can't heal very well and stay clean if she's continually mucking with it....) have you taken her to a different vet? thats the best recommendation. do you have a local rspca? they may be cheaper than a regular vet..................... there may be some internal problem that until now just wasn' apparent. or as said, something with her mouth. maybe what they used to anethezize (sp?) her had some affect. i know after i've had surgery the stuff they use to knock me out always leaves me nauseous for days and a sore throat....
i'd have her looked at before you decide to put her down. as long as she's taking water and passing it okay, she's still okay. one thing that may get her to eat is gravy over food (either some cooked up hamburger meat or dog food), or even just try gravy alone (if its a mouth/throat problem).
i hope you figure out the problem soon. please keep us posted.
Its not like I make a habit of feeding her chocolate, like I said it was just a bit more of the chocolate cake, after she ate a crumb which fell I hoped she may have some more but she didn't, she's just looking so thin.

The vet gave us a lampshade collar she absolutely hated it and any time she was out of sight she would have it off and be back licking her tail. She was so miserable with the collar on she now has it off and since she has had it off she has not even tried to lick her tail once, the tail is looking a lot better, its all bandaged up.

I wasn't going to have her put down immediately its obvious I am going to do whatever I can to save my dog, I think anyone would. I'll try some gravy, one thing we used to do when she was a puppy (unlike most labs she's not greedy and in fact she was always very slimline I believe she was the runt of the litter), we used to microwave dog food with a bit of water, they get hills science i say they because we also have a springer spaniel, on doing that it would release all the aroma and when they were puppies and we were having trouble getting them on to 'dry' food this is what would make them hungry and they would wolf it down. We have not done this for years but tried it today in the hope but no the lab still won't eat anything.

Thanks for the advice everyone and please keep it coming I'm willing to try anything...
I have just tried both raw and scrambled eggs although she'll sniff it she just doesn't want to eat it. I have an early start tommorow so am going to bed now but any advice i'll act on first thing in the morning. Thanks.
Hey William!

Sorry to hear about your dog :( The dog licking the surgical site is *not* a good thing and I have *never* heard a vet contradict that. Licking a wound/surgical site irritates it and get it more inflamed.

Antibiotics can irritate the stomach/intestines and make a critter (or human!) feel like not eating. Do you know the name of the antibiotic your dog was/is on? When I worked at a vet clinic, a hamburger/rice mixture was recommended for dogs with upset tummies. It sounds as if you're already trying something similar for her. If you do try gravy, or something similar, make sure it doesn't have a high fat content. Too much fat can give a dog pancreatitis. Vet clinics usually see a rise in pancreatitis cases around the holidays, due to the dogs getting more treats, usually leftover. Dry a canned dog food, perhaps, and see if you can get her to eat that.

If you can afford it, I would also suggest trying to get her in to see a different vet. Explain to them what happened. Many vets (at least over here in the states) are very understanding and caring. Being that veterinary medicine is their profession, they do have to charge, but sometimes you can get reduced prices on things. It's worth a try.

Good luck and keep us updated! Give your dog lots of love :)

aka Lizard
... my dog's trainer said that lamb [dog food] was supposed to be gentle on there tummies. :unsure: I really hope your dog gets better...
Hi William,

Sorry to hear your puppy is sick. One of my dogs had a seizure a couple weeks ago, and was rushed to a 24hr emergency clinic. We discovered after a bunch of different tests (ultasound etc) that he has heart disease. He's on a special diet now and is also refusing to eat. We've been wrapping bits of the food in Kraft Singles and he is taking a bit in. Maybe you could try this and see if she'll accept a bit of food this way? I don't know if the cheese will upset her stomach, so just try it a bit. I hope she starts to feel better soon, it's probably a combination of stress, anesthetics and the antibiotics. Our dog had leg surgery a few years ago, and didn't eat for about a week, and was very inactive during this time. He perked up shortly there after, and started eating normally again. Please keep us posted.
I have had Labs before. Currently have a black lab. First never go to that vet again! I'd find a good vet, research them and make sure they are good. Ask around for advice on a good place to take your dog. Call them and ask what you should do. I'd even try taking her someplace else to get checked on. It sounds like the vet you already took her to was too harsh on her and doesn't know what they are talking about. Your dog should not lick a wound, I wouldn't let her. Is the wound healed? If not I'd put some antiseptic some salve and banage it. Where is she staying? Is it cold out? Is she by herself? She may want to stay close to you if she got scared at the vet. Also, DO NOT GIVE YOUR DOG CHOCOLATE! It can and will kill them. Try some wet can dog food if you haven't already. The medicine she is on could very well be making her sick. I'd call another vet asap to find out the side effects etc. of the medicine. Be extra gentle and loving. Seven years old isn't exactly young for a large dog either. Hope this helps.
hi William - antibiotics can indeed make dogs (and humans) very nauseated. Poached warm cooked chicken and the juice in small amounts can often tempt dogs who are off their food. Try dropping a small piece on the floor - not a plate. If she is showing no other symptoms (i.e. normal stools, temperature, gum colour etc) it could be worth talking to a naturopathic vet to see if they have a remedy for the nausea and stress. I believe in taking my dog to the vet but also use holistic remedies for her. A part of the problem could be that she has developed an aversion to food (or the bowl) from the force feeding methods used. She sounds like a very sensitive dog - the scenerio you described in your original post would have been enough to have made many dogs dislike either the vet clinic or the feeding that was forced. Often well meaning professionals will push the animals face into the bowl, push the bowl into the dog's face and then force feed the dog. All of which could have created the problem. This problem can be made worse by fussing over her which will reinforce in her brain that there is something to worry about - which is why I suggested trying dropping a bit of the chicken on the floor - no plate, smile at her when you are holding the food and try not to look worried. Sensitive dogs read a lot out of their owners faces and body language and react to it. This is a bit garbled sorry but am just writing my thoughts
.....and of course - change vet clinics

best of luck - sue

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