Good Bottom Feeder


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2003
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Hi I have a 30 gallon tank with

1 platty
2 guppies (Male)
1 Honey gourami
1 Colombian tetra (2 inches Long)
2 Oto's for algae

I was wondering if a bottom feeder would be needed or will the oto's do the job.

Plan on adding 7 neons

Well cory cats are bottom feeders that school so three would be the minimum. No bottom feeder will get all the excess food that falls but they are fun to watch.
you may want to get a couple of loaches or cory's, maybe some kulis.
sorry if i seem to be picking on you, but i'd update your entire tank a bit. i do this to everyone that posts strange numbers of fish :p

3 Platties (1M, 2F)
6 Guppies (2M, 4F)
1 Honey Gourami (no experience with Gouramis, someone?)
6 Colombian Tetras (Since all Tetras school, and 6 is the minimum for schooling!)
2 Otos
7 Neons
4 Kuhlii Loaches

kuhliis make awesome little bottom feeders! they squiggle all over and devour anything they come across, and if you have dense plant cover, driftwood, caves, or dimmed lightbulbs you can expect to see them during the day, lazing about ^^
Note that otos are schooling fish too and would like a group of 6 or more. I'd go with either kuhliis or otos, not both.
:D how bout some shrimps, ghost shrimps i might add,

they grow to 1.5 inches-1inch, they need virtually no care, they dont include in the 1 gallon per fish rule, u can keep 10 in 1 gallon and theyll love it, there fun to watch, they pick food off the bottom of tha tank, just one rule with these lil buggers! no fish that a shrimp could fit in, people use then to feed to fish!

so watch out!? good luck, these guys are really fun to watch, i love em!
I'd just add some more ottos. I heard these guys are pretty good clean up crew. There are pretty sensative to water and such so be careful.

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