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  1. Kitty_Nin

    My Boyfriend Rocks.

    Thanks for the suggestions guys! I think I'll try to go will all dwarf fish, and have an "it's a small world after all" tank :lol:
  2. Kitty_Nin

    My Boyfriend Rocks.

    Hmm, I was thinking maybe pygmies, so I could have a slightly larger school of them.
  3. Kitty_Nin

    My Boyfriend Rocks.

    So my boyfriend bought me a 10 (us) gallon tank with all the fixings for my birthday. What a sweetie! Anyway, the filter media has been plopped in an established tank to seed, and I'm having trouble deciding hat to put in it, though I know I want some Corydoras. Any suggestions?
  4. Kitty_Nin

    He's Coming On Thursday!

    I vote for Howl.
  5. Kitty_Nin

    Amount Of Fish

    Oh my. Goldfish get huge and live a looong time. They need 15-20 gallons of water EACH. You need to find out what kind of loach you have and what the other little fish are, as these could potentially also get too big for the 15 gallon. Or post pictures of them here for identification. What...
  6. Kitty_Nin

    All My Set Ups - Including One New Boy

    Your tanks are so pretty, and your bettas as well. What floating plant is that that you have? I really like it, and I usually hate floating plants.
  7. Kitty_Nin

    How Long To 'seed' A Filter?

    Thanks so much! That's about how long I figured, but I didn't want to take it out too soon.
  8. Kitty_Nin

    My New Dwarf Puffer

    How to culture live foods.
  9. Kitty_Nin

    How Long To 'seed' A Filter?

    As topic title, how long does it take to seed a new filter? I have a UG filter in my betta tank, but wanted better filtration so I bought an internal power filter and plopped it in. How long until the new filter is seeded and I can remover the old UG?
  10. Kitty_Nin

    Can I Add Fish, Then Plant Later?

    I don't see why not. Just plant when you do a large water change, so that the water level is down and you can access the substrate better. I personally would remove the fish--drain tank water into a clean bucket or rubbermaid-type container and gently net up the fish and transfer them. Plant...
  11. Kitty_Nin

    I Feel Disgraced Looking At This Betta

    Aww, the poor thing. She's kind of cute and I'm sure would be a nice pet, but you're right, I'm sure someone will try to breed her. Whenever I see things like this it makes me with there was a place to comment on the fish up for bid, so that knowledgeable people could point out that this is...
  12. Kitty_Nin

    Bettas And .....?

    Might be fine for a while or in a very large tank, but eventually it will lead to carnage.
  13. Kitty_Nin

    Advice On Changing Over

    I currently have gravel and fake plants, and a very small budget. I'd like to convert over to a very low-tech planted set up in my ten gallon and five gallon. I'm not sure how to do this as the gravel and fish are already in... don't I need to add another substrate under the gravel for plants...
  14. Kitty_Nin


    A kind of Diatom bloom that's feeding on the silica oin the glass and silicone in my new tank. The tank has a cycled filter and a filter that's becoming cycled in it, but it just happens with new silicone and such. Harmless and will work itself out when all the silica is gone.
  15. Kitty_Nin


    Someone at another site helped me identify my gunk. Thanks anyway.
  16. Kitty_Nin


    Went to do a water change in my betta's 5 gallon tank and discovered that everything is covered in this nasty gooey slime! It's clear, with a very faint brown tinge up close. All my stats are normal. What is this gunk and how can I kill it!?!
  17. Kitty_Nin

    Barbs Near Surface?

    Do they not usually do this? My barbs roam all over my tank, and come up to the very top when I get near it, hoping to be fed. If they seem fine otherwise, I wouldn't worry.
  18. Kitty_Nin

    Please Help! Fish Species?

    It.. it almost looks like flying fish to me. I am probably wrong, but... Hm. Well, that's my wild guess.
  19. Kitty_Nin

    New Boy, But Whats With His Tail?

    Ooh, very pretty boy. It looks to me like he's been shredded a bit and it's working on healing up. Maybe he's a spade tail and it got shredded? Lol, not really sure.
  20. Kitty_Nin

    Tropical Foods

    I mostly use tetra, mainly because it's very common and affordable. I also quite like Wardley. I currently have Wardley Tropical Fish Flake Food, Wardley Essentials Color Fish Flakes, Tetra Baby Shrimp Sun Dried Gammarus, Tetra Freeze Dried Bloodworms, Tetra Mini Krill Freeze Dried Plankton...
  21. Kitty_Nin

    Upgrading Tropical Kit Questions

    1. You should be able to cram your old media in there somewhere. The media is usually some sort of floss or like a very loose sponge. 2. A new tank is usually too 'sanitary' to support plant life right away. There's not enough nitrate and stuff built up. But you could start the plants in your...
  22. Kitty_Nin

    Python Cleaning Tool

    We used one at the pet store I used to work at, and the thing was a godsend. We only had gravel, but it was great at separating out the poo and other debris.
  23. Kitty_Nin

    School Tank

    My Danios swim around in a school, scatter to look at things, join back up into a school and swim around some more, scatter to pester the barbs, school again when they get chased off by annoyed larger fish... and so on and so forth all day long. They're fun to watch, they're like a group of...
  24. Kitty_Nin

    Shedding And Best Cleanup Shrimp?

    I know that shrimp shed very often when they're young and it slows down as they grow. Sorry I can' help you with your other questions.
  25. Kitty_Nin

    Shutting The Stable Door After The Horse Has Bolted....

    Keep a close eye on your stats the next few days, in case some of your beneficial bacterias died from being taken out. I can't find a hymn for you, but perhaps try the rainbow bridge site.
  26. Kitty_Nin

    Platy I Fear Will Be Dead Tomorrow Morning

    How to Humanely Euthanize Your Fish I recommend the anesthetic overdose method. Seems least painless to me.
  27. Kitty_Nin

    New And Confused

    If you raise the water temperature up as high as you can, say around 80 Fahrenheit, then it should kill the Ich parasite. If the fish are in the tank, do it slowly as not to shock them. If not, just crank it up. I'd do a big water change or two until the water is clear, check the stats, and...
  28. Kitty_Nin

    I Want To Add Two Diamond White Angels!

    How tall is the tank? I know little about angels, but they do get very tall/deep and need a tank that reflects that. Someone else can give you more info.
  29. Kitty_Nin

    School Tank

    You could have Otos or Corys instead of plecs. Corys are hilarious and friendly, and Otos are peaceful and as much fun to watch as Plecs. Corys would leave your plants alone, and I think the Otos would too. Otos couldn't be added until the tank was more mature and had algae for them to feed on...
  30. Kitty_Nin

    Real,artificial Or No Plants At All

    There are some real plants that are a cinch to grow. I had a banana lily that flourished under terrible lighting conditions. Perhaps fake plants, with a few easy-to-grow real ones thrown in. You'd get the best of both worlds. Banana Plant<-This is the plant I had. It was under regular old...
  31. Kitty_Nin

    Shutting The Stable Door After The Horse Has Bolted....

    The charcoal took out all your medicine, unfortunately. Sorry for your loss. However, put those 'hola hoops' back in ASAP!! They are holding a lot of your beneficial bacteria, which cleans the ammonia and other harmful stuff out of your tank.
  32. Kitty_Nin

    Urgent: Filter For Micro Rasboras

    What about one or two of these?
  33. Kitty_Nin

    Thinking Of What To Place In New Tank

    Convicts and Pink Convicts will breed breed breed! So I'd advise against unless you know what you're going to do with the young. Yeah, the whole process is really cool, but being left with a spawn of fish you can't care for sucks. Maybe put them on the back burner as a 'someday' fish. How large...
  34. Kitty_Nin

    School Tank

    What about barbs and danios, and some bottom dwellers? Both are hardy and can have water on the cooler side, very colorful and active. 55 gal example: 2x Pitbull Pleco 10x Danio (you could get different ones, they'll school together) 5x Odessa Barb 6x Tiger Barb 5x Pygmy Cory or Tail Spot Pygmy...
  35. Kitty_Nin

    Now My Betta Is Not Cooperating.

    I have seen betta flakes and betta 'crisps' (like a cross between a flake and a pellet) in a few pet stores.
  36. Kitty_Nin

    My New Dwarf Puffer

    Aww, very cute! I love your tank, very simple and zen. I'm jealous, I'd love to have a puffer but I don't have the tanks.... yet :shifty:
  37. Kitty_Nin

    Apple Snails

    These snails are the biggest freshwater snail on earth--they can get up to 6 inches in diameter, though it takes a long time to get this big. They're excellent algae eaters and quite pretty, but they may eat your plants. Here's a link with lots of good info.
  38. Kitty_Nin

    How Many Females..

    Seconded ^
  39. Kitty_Nin

    Please Help!

    Got Maracyn today and just dosed. He's looking worse appearance wise, but his behavior is much better. Not quite 100% but much less worrying. He's lost all color and gone a dark grey, and has black lines... I suppose stress lines? However he's swimming more and eating better, hiding much less.