My Boyfriend Rocks.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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So my boyfriend bought me a 10 (us) gallon tank with all the fixings for my birthday. What a sweetie! Anyway, the filter media has been plopped in an established tank to seed, and I'm having trouble deciding hat to put in it, though I know I want some Corydoras. Any suggestions?
I had a male Betta, 2 julii cories, and 2 peppered cories in the same tank b4 they look nice n fun to watch together
Hmm, I was thinking maybe pygmies, so I could have a slightly larger school of them.
I think there are 3 species of pygmies popularly used and C. Habrosus is often the one of choice as they are bottom swimmers, unlike the other two I believe. All 3 types are fish that will play and group together.

Yeah Id go for C.Hasbrosus as well :) Do like a mini community with dwarf rasboras and pygmy gourami. Or some kind of dwarf cichlid would be nice as well :) Nannacaras would be cool :) Or maybe Laetacaras or a lone male apisto of somekind, though I think avoid a trio of apistos as the tank is a bit too small for them to breed in.
I agree with dwarf cories,also maybe mini species like ember tetras,galaxy rasboras etc would look good in a 10 gal :)
So my boyfriend bought me a 10 (us) gallon tank with all the fixings for my birthday. What a sweetie! Anyway, the filter media has been plopped in an established tank to seed, and I'm having trouble deciding hat to put in it, though I know I want some Corydoras. Any suggestions?

Good to hear you're using mature media. You'll still need to stock slowly as the media could take weeks and weeks to mature properly and you'll still need to check for ammonia and nitrites for a few days after eadding each batch of fish :good:

Pygmy corys would be awesome. Why not have 6?

In terms of other small fish:

+ 1 betta splendens
+ Micro rasboras
+ Sparkling gouramis
+ A pair of betta imbellis
+ Smaller tetras such as platinum and green neons.
+ Guppies
+ Endlers
+ African dwarf frogs

Just some ideas.
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I think I'll try to go will all dwarf fish, and have an "it's a small world after all" tank :lol:
haha good choice! If it were me I would do something like 8 Cory Hasbros 8 Chilli Rasbora and a trio of badis badis :) If you live in scotand I can let you know of a breeder I have heard about ;)
Thanks Wills, but I'm in the US, though I do know of a place to find them.

Here's some of the fish I was thinking of:

Pygmy Cories
Chain Loach
Sparkling Gourami
Peacock Gudgeon

Can't have all, of course, but does anyone have any recommendations?
Yes to everything but the chain loaches as they need more swimming space and also the tank does not have enough room for 2 groups of bottom dwellers. Could probably do something like -

3 Peacock Gudgeon - I think double check the optimum amount to keep
3 Sparkling Gourami
5 Oto
6 Pygmy Cories
Thanks Wills! I didn't realize they're such active little wormies. Will def. Skip them then.

I used AquaAdvisor and am Going to go with:

2 Peacock Gudgeons
6 Pygmy Cories
3 Sparkling Gourami

That should fill all levels of the tank nicely without being overstocked.

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