Thinking Of What To Place In New Tank


Fish Crazy
Jan 4, 2010
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Not sure if this would be the place to post this question, so please just volleyball me to wherever this goes if this is the wrong place, with my apologies.


I've been doing research on what to stock my new tank with when it's finished cycling (which will be a while yet.)

I'm researching Pink Convict Cichlids, black convicts and Dojo Loaches. Anyone who has had these have opinions on hardiness, difficulty level of care, and so on?

I like the fact that Pink Convicts are not only attractive, but they protect and rear their young... however I see they're listed as difficult when it comes to care... Black convicts seem to be rated a bit less difficult than the pink convicts.

on the other hand I like Dojo Loaches because they are said to be friendly live in harmony with other fish, like the fancy goldfish (although I love Ryukins I don't know if I really want to deal with their waste.) but just cause they're compatible doesn't mean I have to get a goldfish too. so that's a plus.

anyway... what are your thoughts on it?
Convicts and Pink Convicts will breed breed breed! So I'd advise against unless you know what you're going to do with the young. Yeah, the whole process is really cool, but being left with a spawn of fish you can't care for sucks. Maybe put them on the back burner as a 'someday' fish.

How large is your tank?

Dojo loaches get 9 to 10 inches, and need room to swim around. They also are a cold water fish. They can adapt to temperatures up to 77F, but I imagine they'd be happier at a cooler, more natural temperature. They also need sand as they like to dig and bury themselves--gravel can damage their barbels.

Some links:
huh, didn't know convicts were such hardcore breeders. The websites I've looked at thus far all mention how well they rear their young... but they don't make it sound like they're easy to bread nor that they have a lot of offspring.

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