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  1. J

    Quick question

    a foot eh? thats not sooo bad (its pretty bad and ill have to give him away :)) i feed him flakes, toughies, insects that come inside (once I fed him a bee when I was angry at him for eating 3 ottos), brine shrimp, neons (by accident, and only once :)) and shrimp pellets.
  2. J

    just moved my 55 (amongst other tanks)

    I just moved about a half hour from where i used to live, and let me tell you, moving a 55 gallon tank (especially with a hose coming out of the bottom of it) is no joke! I had to bag them all, then drain out most of the water, except about 8 gallons (which at 7lbs a gallon still sucks), and get...
  3. J

    African Butterfly Fish

    you could keep yours with a fiddler crab (they crack me up) or a few albino cory cats
  4. J

    Quick question

    Hey, where are jacks from? And I know they get big, but how big? And what shouldn't I feed them? (they eat everything...) Thanks
  5. J

    have fallen in love with african butterfly fish

    Not to say that they don't, but my ABF never ate any of the small fish I kept him with. My ottos, neons (my BGK ate them real quick), and toughies were all left alone by him. He ate only crickets and flake food. I thought mine never jumped out either until one day I left the lid partially open...
  6. J

    Siblings having tanks

    i would either a) take back the tanks due to their negligence (sp?), or B ) sit them down with your mom and explain how and why they should or you will take back their tanks. or c) sell their tanks. I wouldn't keep taking care of them. They're not your tanks anymore, therefore not your...
  7. J

    Gar fish help

    what about a mosiac gar? how big do they get? thanks
  8. J

    Black ghost knife fish

    the black ghost knife will grow to be a little over a foot long, albeit very very slowly. It should be ok as it isn't too aggressive, but very predatory. And since it's nocturnal it won't interact with the oscars too much. I have mine housed with some cichlids right now and they get along...
  9. J

    hey, help me out, how big is this tank?

    I don't actually have it yet, I'm thinking it off of ebay for 20$ US comes with a filter and stand. :-D But... I gotta drive down to NY to pick it up... bummer. ah well, thats what spring break is for
  10. J

    hey, help me out, how big is this tank?

    29.5x18.5x13????? thanks a ton
  11. J

    Discus mating humans?

    thats awfully cute
  12. J


    It's weird. People have the same ability as other animals (heightened to a new level due to our increased amounts of trainable neuron pathways) to become a product of their environment. People can be totally nice normal people, but when exposed to, or a lack thereof, a certain trait constantly...
  13. J

    Do you keep your tank 'coz of Feng Shui ?

    feng shui is very similar to Tai Chi Quan in the way it's being trussed up, streamlined for mass consumer interest and marketed to the elderly. "If you follow these 10 simple steps, you'll live to be two hundred and get rich while doing it" It isn't that simple. It takes years (decades) of...
  14. J

    stoctking a 55gl

    I have 3 angels along with a few tiger barbs in my tank (had more but forgot to feed my gar :() and if anything the angels give my tiger barbs hell. They are very inquisitive and always gently pecking anything that gets too close (except my gar and BGK of course lol)
  15. J

    Which is your favourite fish?

    Hmmm, I know you said one fish... but it's a toss up. Between... (drumroll) ...My black ghost knife, discus, or arrowannas. If you had asked me a month ago I'd have said Koi. But arrowannas are a little cooler then koi. And I'm working my way up to discus.. with angel fish. :X
  16. J

    Ultimate Hybrid?

    I guess I'd mix an arowana with a black ghost knife. That'd be intresting.
  17. J


    are there any species of arowanas that could be kept in a 55 gallon tank? I'm thinking no, however, my LFS owner said yes... but then again, he also told me my eel was a FW fish when it definatly wasn't..
  18. J

    Depth for Butterfly fish

    My ABF, recently deceased, every once and a while liked to go for a quick dive, but id say 95% of the time stayed at the surface. Your tank should be fine. My ABF never ate any smaller fish, just stuck to crickets and flake food.
  19. J


    26"... ::gulp:: :crazy:
  20. J

    Fish Myths

    ive kept goldfish with tropical fish at various points in my fish keeping years and i never saw anything like toxic ooze killing my tropical fish. :)
  21. J

    Fish for 30G Bi-orb

    I think you are a little over stocked.. If you want, you can send your HR's to me and ill send you some african dwarf frogs a few pearl plecos, and some ghost shrimp. :hey: :whistle:
  22. J

    whats the smallest tank you can keep a...

    Hey Whats the smallest tank you can keep a tiger or blue lobster in?
  23. J

    Will neons work in this tank?

    how about a pearl pleco, and some ghost shrimp?
  24. J

    Added otto's to my cycled tank but both died

    yeah, they are very finicky and fragile. my friend bought 2 ottos, for his 20 gl tank and they both died in 10 hours. I bought mine for my 55 gl tank 2 months ago and they are both fine. go figure
  25. J

    African Butterfly Fish

    Mine clearly prefers medium sized crickets. Try that, me and my friend bith find it to be the easiest thing theyll eat
  26. J

    am i overstocked?

    except for of course, a huge african butterfly fish.. ;) yeah, sorry, didnt mean to turn this into a pissing contest, I just get a little riled up when people tell me I dont know what im doing when i do. But its all just a difference in opinion.
  27. J

    am i overstocked?

    Well, number one, the 'facts', as you put it, are entirely debatable as evidenced by all the other people that have commented disagreeing with you. Number two, yes, stating the facts isnt snobby. But stating them with an extremly snobby 'i know better than thou' attitude is.
  28. J

    am i overstocked?

    but on a serious note, I think you are wrong about the betta/lifespan thing. I've spoken to some serious betta owners, as well as having read some posts on this site, as well as asking my lfs owner, and they all have said if anything, it's better for the betta. But whatever floats your boat...
  29. J

    am i overstocked?

    I only said that to illustrate a point. That it was a slightly snobby thing to say. I've had ThaT tank setup for three months, ive had fish in some kind for 6 years. So while I guess youve had fish longer, don't discount what I have to saycause you think im a newb> Cause im not, now if youll...
  30. J

    am i overstocked?

    how do you know I haven't been keeping fish for 20 years, or that I don't own a fish store. just cause you spend lots of time posting on an internet fish forum (dont get me wrong, im not knocking the forum [i love this place]) doesnt mean you know more, it just means that you spend more time on...
  31. J

    my african butterfly fish bit me!

    I was fed all my fish except my ABF. I was tracing my fingertip across the surface of the water, staring dreamily into the tank (as ive been know to do for alarmingly long periods of time) when my ABF swam across and nips my finger, mistaking it for a cricket! haha, i took the hint and fed him a...
  32. J

    am i overstocked?

    Imho i think you are wrong. Now, im not being aggressive or anything, but... the ottos (from what ive been told by my lfs owner and my own experience) do not have to be kept in a group of 6 or more. It was the gar that ate the neons, the angel fish are really small. The african butterfly fish...
  33. J

    am i overstocked?

    i check the nitrates once a monthish... i know im lazy, but seeing as I change the water by hand (still havent bought my python yet... :no: ) every week, i figure im entitled to slack on the nitrate checking :D . I've had it set up for 3 and a half months now. The only deaths (besides my gar...
  34. J

    am i overstocked?

    hahaha, i guess it would have been easier to say its a large wetdry trickle filter
  35. J

    am i overstocked?

    I dont know the name of the filter, or how many gallons runs through it per hour, but the water is pushed through 2 carbon pads, 2 filter pads, 2 one gallon jugs worth of bioballs, a sponge, and another sponge. It's a pain in the butt to clean :) The amonia and nitrites are at 0, i haven't...
  36. J

    am i overstocked?

    hiya, i was just wondering if i was overstocked, i have -ahem- 1 baby black ghost knife, 1 african butterfly fish, 1 mosaic gar, 3 angels, 6 tigerbarbs, 1 betta, 2 otto cats, 2 snails, 1 dragon goby, 1 albino cory cat. its a 55 gallon tank that is wayyyy over filtered. The filter is huge. My...
  37. J

    ? about dragon goby

    and the same question goes for fiddler crabs.
  38. J

    ? about dragon goby

    Hey, I was wondering if a dragon goby is a fully fw fish. My lfs owner said so, but then again, he said the same about the moray eel. I figured I'd ask the experts ;) Thanks
  39. J

    quick question about black lighting

    holy moly! I didn't know that! Well, thanks for the info. Just more incentive to get on the ball with the cold cathode moonlight thingy. ::sigh:: looks expensive :crazy:
  40. J

    quick question about black lighting

    Do you think that when I turn the black light on, I'm tricking my litle fishies into thinking it's nighttime? Or are they just annoyed with me for not turning the lights off?