am i overstocked?

Johnny, and you know you have more experiance because? You only had your tanbk for 3 months, ive had fish scence I was 5, i think ive had them longer.

and to all others who dont believe me on the bettas, ask a betta expert, thenm you will see I am right.
I only said that to illustrate a point. That it was a slightly snobby thing to say. I've had ThaT tank setup for three months, ive had fish in some kind for 6 years. So while I guess youve had fish longer, don't discount what I have to saycause you think im a newb> Cause im not, now if youll excuse me, i have some dead fish to net out of my tank :whistle: :rofl:
but on a serious note, I think you are wrong about the betta/lifespan thing. I've spoken to some serious betta owners, as well as having read some posts on this site, as well as asking my lfs owner, and they all have said if anything, it's better for the betta. But whatever floats your boat, just not your betta (its earlyyour gonna have to forgive me on that one)
I keep my male betta in a 10 gallon and he does perfectly fine. The current can sometimes bother him a bit, but he learns to swim around it. I think the only problem for a betta being in a larger tank would be the current in the water being so heavy. I heard bettas aren't very good swimmers...probably because they have been raised in tiny cups all of their lives. :angry:
also the 18 inch hight of a 55 gallon is bad as well because it is to high for the bettas, especially if he needs to get air,

and bettas arent bad swimmers, it is just difficuly because of the long tail.

also telling facts is not snoby at all, it is telling it like it is
Well, number one, the 'facts', as you put it, are entirely debatable as evidenced by all the other people that have commented disagreeing with you. Number two, yes, stating the facts isnt snobby. But stating them with an extremly snobby 'i know better than thou' attitude is.
except for of course, a huge african butterfly fish.. ;) yeah, sorry, didnt mean to turn this into a pissing contest, I just get a little riled up when people tell me I dont know what im doing when i do. But its all just a difference in opinion.
I agree a bigger tank for a betta is not a bad idea. They do fine in a large tank. Bettas are generally top swimmers so and 18" tank would not affect it at all if it needed air.

My guy is in a 4ft x 24"x 18" and guess what he is still alive. WOW a miracle.


He's been in there for over a year and he's great.

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