Which is your favourite fish?


Nov 10, 2004
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So, which is your favourite fishy? Mine are zebra danios :nod:

(I wonder how many times this topic has been posted :look: )
Hi akudewan :)

It might be an old topic, but its a goody! :thumbs: Its one thing that every forum member can join in on and have fun with too. :D

My favorite fish are :wub: Cory cats. :wub:
I'd probably say at the moment my Pictus catfish are my favourites, but I love all my fish in different ways! My Syno. Angelicus is also still my "pet" fish.

Over the past few monthes, I've become completely addicted to Tanganyikan Shell Dwellers. :rolleyes:

I have Lamprologus ocellatus (Gold and Whitestrain) and Lamprologus multifasciatus.

After I move in a few monthes, I plan on doing L. brevis, L similis, and L boulengeri species tanks. I also plan on a 75g Tanganyikan community, with a colony of shellies.

Here's the father of my occie fry:


Hmmm, I know you said one fish... but it's a toss up. Between... (drumroll) ...My black ghost knife, discus, or arrowannas. If you had asked me a month ago I'd have said Koi. But arrowannas are a little cooler then koi. And I'm working my way up to discus.. with angel fish. :X
Definately Cockatoo Dwarf Chiclids. Not only are they BEAUTIFUL, with their long long spikey fins and dazzling colors, they are small and full of character as well!

they are also considered one of the hardiest of all apistos.

all other apistos are equally cool, such as agassiziis, and oh, M. Ramirez.
My favorite fish has been the Oscar for many a year. I'm planning on starting a dwarf tank soon and it was the cockatoo that made me decide to do this. So, I'm giving them a chance to shoot for the world famous title of "Toby's Favorite Fish".

PS - This topic has been posted about twice a week since I've been coming to this forum. But no one ever complains. We just love an excuse to talk about our favorite fishies!

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