Will neons work in this tank?


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
I have a 2 gallon hex tank I originally got for a betta. I had to move him to another (rectangular) tank, cuz he kept seeing his reflection on all the hexy sides. (it was driving him nuts!)

Anyway, I was just wondering - the only fish I can possibly think of that would be small enough to be in this tank are neons. Is this enough room for just a couple of those little guys?

If not, other suggestions for what I could put in there? I hate to see the tank go unused. It has an airstone w/undergravel filter, and I've had it setup for a few weeks now with no fish. I don't know much about cycling, either...

I know plenty about bettas but not much about other fish.
Thanks for the help!
I've an idea, why not make a background for the tank? Cover a few sides with it, maybe 4 of them, so you'll still be able to see him.

Tank isn't suitable for neons, as they're a schooling fish and need more room. Lots of info on cycling in the Tropical Chit Chat, look on top for the pinned threads. The 2nd pinned thread on this forum has some useful info as well...

You could keep an African Dwarf Frog in there, head over to the Amps. and Inverts. forum for more info, also look for the pinned thread.

Oh yea, :hi: to the forums! Did you introduce yourself in the Newbie forum? I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.
I tried the background thing, but whenever the light comes on, it's instant mirrors all around. I thought the poor dear was going to have a heart attack - he must have thought he was being surrounded. :D

OOooh, a little froggy sounds super fun.

I'm glad to have found this forum! I have a couple of bettas who always seem to have something going on with them so this'll be a good resource!
Nothing much you can do with that tank, it's to small, neons are small but they are a shoaling fish and need plenty of space to swim in a shoal.
you couild also setup a little crab palace with some driftwood and by filling it halfway with water.

that could be interesting.

A frog would be cool too, but make sure you have a tight cover first
LOVE the crab palace idea - that's super cool!!
I do NOT love the idea of a little froggy hopping around in my kitchen. :lol:

Okay, how about a small goldfish? I know they grow but is there any certain type of g.f. that could fit in there??

Hmm - what about a female betta?
Um, dumb question but i've only had males - do females act the same way when they see their reflections??
the only fish suitable for that tank is a betta, male or female is ok.

never ever put a goldfish in something so small.
goldfish need 20 gallons for the first fish and 10 for each additional fish.
I keep all my bettas in 2 gallon hex tanks and they aren't bothered at all by the reflections. Maybe it's just the one betta? My females aren't nearly as aggresive as the males so a female would probably be fine in it or you could try a diferent male.
Yeah - this betta is extremely aggressive. He probably flares 20 times a day - if he sees a shadow he flares at it. If he played football, he'd be a vicious defensive tackle, I'm pretty sure. He does flare at himself in his rectangular 2 gallon tank, if the lighting is right in the room, but he does it much less now that he's not in that hexy tank...

Okay, thanks everyone - I think I might try a female betta. I already have 2 male humans, 2 male guinea pigs and 2 male bettas living at my house. It's time to start equalizing the estrogen!


Okay, so now I have yet another question -

I have decided to get another betta (probably female). I have little heaters in my other tanks (they're made by Hydor, those little flat ones that stick on the side of the tank) to keep them as warm as they need to be.
The thing I'm worried about is when I stick this heater on the side of the tank (which I had done for my other betta before I moved him to a glass tank) I could feel the heater through the acrylic when I put my hand on the outside of the tank and it felt pretty hot.

Will this heater hurt the acrylic?

Here's the heater I use:

Mini Heater

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