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  1. Jinkz

    400L Tank

    Perfect Discus tank I'd have said no?
  2. Jinkz

    A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?

    Told you minnnt :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Jinkz

    A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?

    Would definitely have some shellies in there. They're just so much fun to watch and it's almost like having a tank within a tank with them. As for the rest, you could do worse than going with a handful of Cyps populating the upper water, not jumbos though..and as mentioned earlier a few...
  4. Jinkz

    New Additions - Labidochromis Caeruleus Nkhata

    Won't be buying them for myself Elise, my hands are full with the Tangs fry but they are a lovely fish, no doubt. Reason they'll be cheaper is due to the amount of commercial breeders over here who mainly breed for export.
  5. Jinkz

    Small Fish, Big Attitude!

    Here was me thinking I was being clever this morning and went into the tank with a long handled plastic spatula to move a little of the sand around and my male Brevis seen that one coming a mile off and made right for my hand and completely ignored the 2ft long spatula... :lol: :lol: :lol...
  6. Jinkz

    New Additions - Labidochromis Caeruleus Nkhata

    Gorgeous wee fish. One of my LFS's has 4 of these a customer returned and they also look fabulous. Mind me asking how much they go for in the UK Elise as over here he wants 6 quid a fish.
  7. Jinkz

    A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?

    Think you should be okay with a handful of juvies then you can easily remove one or two males once they others mature. You planning on adding any shellies as well?
  8. Jinkz

    A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?

    Suppose it depends how many you were gonna stock mate and how you set your rockwork out.
  9. Jinkz

    Neolamprologus Brichardi Fry

    Cheers Sean...slow growers mate but nice and healthy and coming on well enough. They're strong enough now to wander around the filter intake without getting spooked. Tony
  10. Jinkz

    Neolamprologus Brichardi Fry

    I know....dropped a couple of algae wafers in the tank there for the pleco and all these fry came out of nowhere for a sniff...greedy wee beggars are always hungry :lol:
  11. Jinkz

    June 2011 Fish Of The Month Winner Is.....

    Beautiful pic of a gorgeous fish...really deserved to win. :good:
  12. Jinkz

    Neolamprologus Brichardi Fry

    Finally managed to get some pretty decent snaps, hope you enjoy them. They're really starting to show their shape now and their wee finnage is really coming on also :good:
  13. Jinkz

    A Few Pics Of My Brevis

    Hope you like them, but as this is the first batch of pics take after reading this thread bear with me as I'm still learning....although have to give massive props to Cian McLiam, as some of his tips were diamond :good: What you looking at.... :lol: Few more... Should...
  14. Jinkz

    Growth Log Of Hornbag

    Good grief, you force feeding him growth hormone :lol: Cracking looking big chap though :good:
  15. Jinkz

    Cup Of Tea Spilled In Tank !

    Stick it in the dishwasher a few times, obviously with no soap...worked a treat on my wood.
  16. Jinkz

    New Tang Tank

    Stick it on the other half's dressing table and bin the make up...she won't mind :lol:
  17. Jinkz

    Sounds Like Scratching Or Digging

    Definitely the pleco just settling in and making himself at home, redesigning his living room so to speak. Nothing to worry about unless he's digging up plants or de-stabilizing rocks.
  18. Jinkz

    Unknown Water Condition

    Try agitating the water surface more to break it up. Spraybar is good for it, or even just run an airstone. Anything at all which will disrupt the surface will help. I had this on my 100ltr tank then plugged an airstone in and it's been fine since.
  19. Jinkz

    No Filter Parts...

    This is the one right?My link My link Plenty of places showing them in an online search Btw, I'm in Israel and have bought parts and such from sellers on fleaybay who were based overseas. Usually it's just a question of mailing them your address and asking for a revised quote on the shipping...
  20. Jinkz

    No Filter Parts...

    Ah, see what you mean now, sorry. Can't you just order a couple online...they must be cheap on the likes of fleaybay
  21. Jinkz

    No Filter Parts...

    What type of filter you using? Usually you can just cut and trim pads to suit. Regards the carbon, any special reason you have it in there? You don't actually have to have carbon in your filter. Just chuck it and add another layer of foam :good:
  22. Jinkz

    Tetratex Aps400 Air Pump

    I bought a TetraTex APS 400 while I was in the UK in January, primarily because it was half the price of them in Israel. Been very happy with it so far, nice and quiet and good air flow but came down this morning, turned the lights on in the aquarium and noticed I had no air curtain. Opened the...
  23. Jinkz

    A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?

    Stones are Korean Basalt. I got them from a dealer over here who specialises in importing stone from around the world, mainly for home and garden use but hey...thought it would look good in the aquarium so went out and bought some :good: I had white gravel prior to using the black sand and I...
  24. Jinkz

    A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?

    I use a combination of black coral sand and black basalt sand....personally I love it but it's very much horses for courses. Plenty of pics of my susbtrate in my journal.
  25. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Time for an update. Took a day off Thursday and decided to get tore into some long overdue maintenance. First off I netted 4 out of the 5 adult Brichardi (don't ask where the 5th went, we're still looking for him :blink: ) and dropped them off at the LFS. Got half my money back in credit...
  26. Jinkz

    Finally A Neolamprologus Brichardi Tank!'re going to be very overrun with fry soon :lol: They grow very slowly to be honest and mum and dad take great care of them, to the detriment to any other species in the tank with them. Not a prob in your case as you have a species tank so you'll be fine. What I found with mine...
  27. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Cheers Lisa, tank's looking a wee bit scruffy though to be honest. Breeding Brichardi's are one nasty fish and although I have a 15cm long pleco in there he gets bullied relentlessly so isn't doing a tidying job on algae is he would normally do. In fact he hardly comes out as they keep hassling...
  28. Jinkz

    300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

    Been a while since I posted anything, so here's a few pics of the fry now... Decided that sometime very soon I'll be stripping all the rocks out of there so I net the mature Brichardis and trade them into one of the LFS's. Had enough of them dropping fry on me every month or so. Going to...
  29. Jinkz

    Finally A Neolamprologus Brichardi Tank!

    If you lived near me you could have stopped by with a big net and a bucket and helped yourself....think I have about 120 fry now :-( It's getting completely out of hand with the amount of fry decided that I'm gonna take a couple of days off next month, strip all the rocks out the...
  30. Jinkz

    Small Fish, Big Attitude!

    My male Brevis has been quite fond of giving me a wee nip any time he thinks I stray too close to the female's shell. Got a fair set of teeth on him for such a wee chap :lol:
  31. Jinkz

    Need Some Help Finding A Fish Shop In Barcelona

    Nothing like a bit of success to put a smile on my face. After a bit of playing around with keywords and google translate I managed to find the shop I'd been in last time in Barcelona. Great wee place, really helpful staff and a massive array of kit for such a small place. The owner's son...
  32. Jinkz

    Need Some Help Finding A Fish Shop In Barcelona

    Tried the results on that search mate...unfortunately the shop I was at isn't one of them :no: Sent them a mail...not really holding out much hope they'll know the shop I mean, but let's see. Can't believe I can't find the really was a treasure trove of a shop. Has everything you...
  33. Jinkz

    Need Some Help Finding A Fish Shop In Barcelona

    I did mate yeah, but still can't find it....very frustrating :crazy:
  34. Jinkz

    Need Some Help Finding A Fish Shop In Barcelona

    Hi All, Work is taking me to Barcelona soon and I'll have a few hours to spare in the afternoon before my flight and thought I'd go to a fish shop I'd been to previously. Only problem is I cannot for the life of me remember the name or find it in google, despite numerous searches. All I...
  35. Jinkz

    Pics Of My Multies

    Great the colours on them too :good:
  36. Jinkz

    Brichardis Terrorising The Whole Tank...

    Yeah well, mine didn't go the easy way either....there's at least 60 odd fry in there and they're all growing..albeit slowly :lol: I got some good news last female Brevis is still alive :hyper: Can't believe it as I hadn't seen her for at least a week and a few days ago when I...
  37. Jinkz

    Brichardis Terrorising The Whole Tank...

    Haven't had a chance to even try to net them yet, been so busy with work etc there was no chance to get to the LFS. Had my hands in the tank the other night as they'd been burrowing around the rockwork so was replacing things, rearranging etc and generally had a good root around. Results are...
  38. Jinkz

    Brichardis Terrorising The Whole Tank...

    Thanks guys...basically confirmed what I already knew but didn't really want to face doing. They are nasty sods but gorgeous to watch so getting rid of them will not be easy. This morning I managed to net the two albinos and moved them over to my 100ltr tank....but that's temporary only. I...
  39. Jinkz

    Disaster Has Struck

    Yeah you do what I usually do but I hardly ever really "wash" the noodles, just give them a wee shoogle around with my hand and that's it. I'm always paranoid about killing the bacteria so never really overdo it. In saying that I wash the internal on my 100ltr weekly but the EX1200 on the 300ltr...
  40. Jinkz

    Brichardis Terrorising The Whole Tank...

    Really starting to get fed up with the behaviour of 3 of my Brichardis. One one side of my tank I have a breeding pair with fry and they keep to themselves and none of the other fish bother them. Other side there are 3 more Brichardis, a pair of Brevis, pair of Julies and 2 smaller albino...