400L Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2011
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I've seen a 400l tank but I have some doubts as to whether it is worth buying. It's only a 3.8ft length as most of the additional space is in the height. I'm quite skeptical about being able to put loads of fish if I was to buy it because I'd still be stuck with a less than 4ft length tank and just loads of height. Is this worth a buy?
It's a tricky one...if space is at an absolute premium, then yes go for it. I personally wouldn't stock it any more heavily than a 'normal' 4 footer (I tend to go by surface area as a guide), but it would give the fish more space.

A longer, less deep tank would be better though.

Depends on the price and your available space I guess.
It'd be good for angels though wouldnt it? They tend to need higher tanks rather than longer..
Yes, good point, hanny! I hadn't thought of that
Thats all i ca think of for benefits, but it would be an ace tank IMO for angels, especially if it was 400 litres because then you could have a fair few of them!

You could also build interesting hardscapes with tall wood and rocks instead of the typical long flat logs that do look nice but are a bit ten a penny.

OP - how much is this tank?
No not discus, i prefer long tanks for discus, obviously with some height, but they dont need the height that angels do.
As hanny93 has already written, it could work really well for a group of six Angelfish with all that depth, which is also appreciated by Brochis catfish (especially B. multiradiatus). For the top, perhaps a nice big group of one of the bigger hatchetfish, Thoracocharax stellatus? Alternatively, a Tanganyikan setup including a smaller variety of Cyprichromis (open water swimming fish) could work well, giving these sardine-like fish plenty of water to roam in, out of the way of some shell/rock dwelling species.

Even though a lot of fish are said to occupy certain levels in the water column, very few of us have tanks with enough depth to truely represent this at home, which this tank sounds like it might do wonderfully. At the end of the day, your dilemma on this tank will come down to what stocking you have in mind and whether you are the type of fishkeeper that often swaps and changes its occupants.
I decided against it in the end, I don't really like angels because of having to stock around them, so I'm on the look out still for a 400l + but with a bit more length.

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