300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

Background looks good, would add depth to a tank, don't think plain black works to well on the larger tanks :unsure:
I have black on a 4' but has dark rocks and substrate, think it makes the tank look smaller, blue on another 4' looks ok but light rocks and light substrate, going for a textured backround in this one anyway :hyper:
What size are your Julies at now ? Any signs of them getting jiggy yet ?

Good points about the plain backgrounds. Defo don't want the tank looking smaller. Am thinking of a rock re-scape sometime soon after offloading the Brichardi fry and want more depth to the tank, not less so yeah I might just get that background with the rocks and water. First thing you see when coming into my living room is the tank...catches everyone's eye. Some say why no background, others say it looks good without so very much a personal thing I guess. Definitely sold on the black substrate tho, love it.

Don't see the Julies much to be honest, they seem content to be hiding away in the rocks most of the time and defo haven't seen them getting "it together" if they've even tried. I'm thinking that some of the Brichardis might be bullying them a bit. Need to sit and get a good look cos if they are I might have to swap a few, bring the numbers down to 4 overall and try and even the balance a wee bit. Loving the Brichardis but I've noticed they're too good at throwing their weight around with others....one to watch for. Might also be due to not having enough rockwork...so again, after a re-scape I should have a better idea of how things are going.

Will try to get a few more pics up :good:
Been nagging at me all day about what to do with the tank so got home tonight and had a wee mini rock re-scape and then got the camera out...took a few snaps of the fry also.

Still not sure about whether I'll leave this scape for long...we'll see. I'm getting a bit concerned with the aggressiveness of the non paired Brichardi, especially towards the Julies. Any time they see them they're up to full pelt, chasing them around. I'm hoping the new scape will give both enough space but have a feeling the Brichardis want the lot to themselves. Interesting though how they don't bother with the Brevis.





lovely looking tank! do you happen to know what colour variation your brevis are? as mine look exactly the same but were sold to me as just "brevis shellies"!
lovely looking tank! do you happen to know what colour variation your brevis are? as mine look exactly the same but were sold to me as just "brevis shellies"!

Good question mate. They were sold to me as Neolamprologus Brevis, but the more I look the more likeness to multifascitus I see, but that might just be me. I've counted 9 stripes on the male, 8 - 9 (depending on how quick you are and her mood) on the female. She'sa wee bit more gregarious than the male who darts sharpish into a shell soon as he sees anyone coming close to the tank. If I sit quietly long enough he'll come back out though.
i love they way they change colour though, from almost zebra stripes when they're stressed, through a deep mauvey brown with no visible stripes when theyre relaxed, and even a beigey colour when the lights go out and just room lights are on. And the distinctive purple patches around their faces.

I have seen them in two local shops, one had very small (1 inch) "brevis kigoma" juvies that had the dotty white vertical stripes down them, and another had some adult fish that could easily be sexed that looked just like yours. I think they might be "sunspot" as the females have that bright yellow patch just behind the gills.
i love they way they change colour though, from almost zebra stripes when they're stressed, through a deep mauvey brown with no visible stripes when theyre relaxed, and even a beigey colour when the lights go out and just room lights are on. And the distinctive purple patches around their faces.

I have seen them in two local shops, one had very small (1 inch) "brevis kigoma" juvies that had the dotty white vertical stripes down them, and another had some adult fish that could easily be sexed that looked just like yours. I think they might be "sunspot" as the females have that bright yellow patch just behind the gills.

Yep agree...never get tired watching them. The male is shyer than the female and she's always first to the food. They're getting used to me now and she usually swims higher up the tank when I'm around....expecting a feed no doubt :lol:

Male is now a good 1cm bigger than when I got him and like you said, love the way they change their colouring with their moods. Gotta be careful adding new shellies to existing shellies though. Could lead to WWIII in no time if you're not careful.

I'm still dying to get some Cyps in the tank but can't until I get rid of the Brichardi fry.

Bought a background yesterday though, same one as I linked to above....gonna see how it looks at the weekend. It's going to be a pig of a job fitting it as the tank is close to the wall and I'm not for trying to move it...no chance :blink:
Finally got around to putting a background on....so thisis now stuck on the back of the tank and though I'm still getting used to it....it looks ok. I tried black and blue but didn't like either of them as the made the tank a lot darker and a look a lot smaller. :no:

Btw...getting that background on and making it look half decent with a 300ltr tank stuck 2 inches from the wall was a pig of a job :grr:
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By the time yoo get rid of the fry then there will prob be more lol. The brevis are sunspot as previoulsy said aswell.
Been a while since I posted anything, so here's a few pics of the fry now...




Decided that sometime very soon I'll be stripping all the rocks out of there so I net the mature Brichardis and trade them into one of the LFS's. Had enough of them dropping fry on me every month or so. Going to let the fry in the tank now grow out a bit to around 3cm then trade them into a few of the local shops then have a complete rethink about what else to put in the tank. I'll definitely be going for some Cyps tho.

Anyway, hope you like the pics, cheers :good:

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