Pics Of My Multies


Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 10, 2008
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I tried to get photos of all the fish but the multies are the only ones that stayed still long enough so that's all I ended up with!

Face on

Face off!
Nice pics. :good: Cheers for posting, Multies look great, turbo shells are a nice addition . . .

Hoping to move my Trophs into there new tank soon freeing up the Roma240, wanting sand sifters but really got a notion for Multies again, great wee Tangs :good:

Cheers, Sean
Thanks, it's a shame about the scratched and dirty glass but I've been given the go ahead for a bigger tank now! I'm thinking ND Aquatics, optiwhite glass front...
Thanks, it's a shame about the scratched and dirty glass but I've been given the go ahead for a bigger tank now! I'm thinking ND Aquatics, optiwhite glass front...

Great service and first class build :good:
Great pics Jo :good: :good:

I absolutely love the multis but I`ll have to look at trading loads of my fry and juvis in at MA instead of just a few due to us sorting the house out and putting it on the market in the next few weeks, I have to reduce the number of small tanks in preparation for moving now. My Badis in the other 35L will have to go too :/

Still, maybe I`ll have chance to sweet talk hubby into another bigger tank once we`ve bought a bigger place and are settled :hey:
Another big tank?! Where are you moving to - a 12 bed mansion!? I've had to agree to sell the 240l in order to get him to agree to a bigger one (he knew it was either a bigger tank or another dog :lol: ). I think it helped that today I spent 4 hours driving him to central London and back to pick up yet another fleabay 'bargain' keyboard. It's not like he doesn't already have 4 keyboards and at least 6 guitars...

I can see you setting up a fish room next!
Another big tank?! Where are you moving to - a 12 bed mansion!? I've had to agree to sell the 240l in order to get him to agree to a bigger one (he knew it was either a bigger tank or another dog :lol: ). I think it helped that today I spent 4 hours driving him to central London and back to pick up yet another fleabay 'bargain' keyboard. It's not like he doesn't already have 4 keyboards and at least 6 guitars...

I can see you setting up a fish room next!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The houses we`ve been looking at so far are 4 bedroom new builds and they`re twice the size of where we are now soooooo.............providing our plans come to fruition there will be more room for more tanks and as hubby will be working abroad for most of the year it`ll be up to me to sort any tanks out so he can`t really complain :hey: :hey: :lol: :lol:

A fish room has been mentioned but I don`t think I can manage the maintenance they`ll need to be honest, I could cope with 'indoor' tanks now that I`m using the DIY Python thingymajig though :D

I guess it`s only fair for you to have a bigger tank if your other half has so many keyboards AND you`re running him to pick them up ;) :lol:

As they say , it's not a hobby, it's an addiction :lol:

Don't know what you mean :blush: :lol: :lol:

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