A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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Just wondered if anyone has got a Tang tank set up with a dark substrate? Considering setting up a Leleupi species only tank and wanting to decorate the tank quite dark to show off their yellow.

Just a thought... :good:

Looks good Jinkz. That would be a similar kind of setup to the one i am thinking of. I would be using similar coloured stones also.
Looks good Jinkz. That would be a similar kind of setup to the one i am thinking of. I would be using similar coloured stones also.

Stones are Korean Basalt. I got them from a dealer over here who specialises in importing stone from around the world, mainly for home and garden use but hey...thought it would look good in the aquarium so went out and bought some :good:

I had white gravel prior to using the black sand and I hated it. Was always cleaning it and it was a constant pain but know a lot of people like it, so it's all down to preference in the end but I now have two tanks with black substrate and wouldn't change them for anything.
a few of the books i have say that altolamp. Calvus colour up the best (ie go really dark black) when kept over a dark substrate, so they might be a good idea too :)
Hmmm... Interesting Matt. I always thought these would be a bit big for my 125 litre tank though?!
What would you suggest? I can set the rockwork out how ever as i have enough to fill all my tanks three times over. lol.
They generally take a year to grow an inch so i wouldnt really worry if getting juvies.
Yeah apparently they are really slow growing fish, taking years to reach their adult size.

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