A Dark Tanganyikan Setup?

I'm very much open to suggestions. How would you stock a 125 litre 2.5 ft tank?

Would definitely have some shellies in there. They're just so much fun to watch and it's almost like having a tank within a tank with them.

As for the rest, you could do worse than going with a handful of Cyps populating the upper water, not jumbos though..and as mentioned earlier a few Calvus.

No doubt Sean will be along soon though and be able to offer you some sounder advice than I can though mate. Just know though that you have to have shellies in there :lol:
Hi folks, dunno about the sounder advice but I'll give it a shot . . . :lol:

Tank is 2.5' long, I started on a similiar sized tank 30"/80cm long, 12"/30cm wide, 15"/45ch high. . . .
Shellies at one end, rock dweller at the other . . .
I think a couple of calvus would work fine, I have never kept them but I am sure I was advised I could keep 1 or 2 in the tank that size. I'm sure you could keep caudopunctatus in your tank, I have seen 6 in a 2 foot tank but been advised a single pair is better.. Tank to tight for Cyps I'm afraid (sorry), been advised 4' minimum, I had 12 in a 4' and felt it was tight, 1 of the 4 males was always pushed away to the upper reaches or behind a rock. I think 3' is minimum for a small group of Paracyps but dunno about the 2.5, again think it would be tight . . .

Here's a couple of cookie cutter examples . . .

• Alto. sp. "Compressiceps Shell"- 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus - 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' similis - 1 trio

• Altolamprologus calvus or compressiceps pair
and one pair/group of:
• 'Lamprologus' (Shellies) brevis, multifasciatus, ocellatus, similis or Neolamprologus signatus

• Julidochromis regani - 1 pair
• Neolamprologus leleupi - 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' occelatus - 1 trio

Those were for a Rio125, I tink I would have multifasciatus or occelatus at one end with julidochromis dickfeldi or calvus at the other.. I'm sure you could add a third to the mix ... I think kungweensis, caudopunctatus, calvus would make a lovely tank :drool:

Hope this helps a bit :unsure:
Cheers, Sean
Hi folks, dunno about the sounder advice but I'll give it a shot . . . :lol:

Tank is 2.5' long, I started on a similiar sized tank 30"/80cm long, 12"/30cm wide, 15"/45ch high. . . .
Shellies at one end, rock dweller at the other . . .
I think a couple of calvus would work fine, I have never kept them but I am sure I was advised I could keep 1 or 2 in the tank that size. I'm sure you could keep caudopunctatus in your tank, I have seen 6 in a 2 foot tank but been advised a single pair is better.. Tank to tight for Cyps I'm afraid (sorry), been advised 4' minimum, I had 12 in a 4' and felt it was tight, 1 of the 4 males was always pushed away to the upper reaches or behind a rock. I think 3' is minimum for a small group of Paracyps but dunno about the 2.5, again think it would be tight . . .

Here's a couple of cookie cutter examples . . .

• Alto. sp. "Compressiceps Shell"- 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus - 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' similis - 1 trio

• Altolamprologus calvus or compressiceps pair
and one pair/group of:
• 'Lamprologus' (Shellies) brevis, multifasciatus, ocellatus, similis or Neolamprologus signatus

• Julidochromis regani - 1 pair
• Neolamprologus leleupi - 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' occelatus - 1 trio

Those were for a Rio125, I tink I would have multifasciatus or occelatus at one end with julidochromis dickfeldi or calvus at the other.. I'm sure you could add a third to the mix ... I think kungweensis, caudopunctatus, calvus would make a lovely tank :drool:

Hope this helps a bit :unsure:
Cheers, Sean

Told you minnnt :lol: :lol: :lol:
depends what stock you can get but as said, a shellie and a rock dweller would be fine. You might be able to squeeze in 2 rock dwellers tbh with lots of rockwork. A small type of julie and a some comps. Cyps as mentioned need 4 foot tanks as they swimmers and paracyp 3 ft really. cheers

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