300Ltr Tanganyika Journal

Wow....how cool are they!!!! Love your tank :good:

Lisa x

Cheers Lisa, tank's looking a wee bit scruffy though to be honest. Breeding Brichardi's are one nasty fish and although I have a 15cm long pleco in there he gets bullied relentlessly so isn't doing a tidying job on algae is he would normally do. In fact he hardly comes out as they keep hassling him. They're a third of his size but take great pleasure in taking turns headbutting him :blink:

Anyway, hoping that once I get the adults out (fingers crossed) things will quieten down, my Brevis will be a bit more settled and the pleco will have free reign and clean things up a bit :good:
Oh that's not good! Worth it though [sort of] the fry look amazing!
Time for an update.

Took a day off Thursday and decided to get tore into some long overdue maintenance.

First off I netted 4 out of the 5 adult Brichardi (don't ask where the 5th went, we're still looking for him :blink: ) and dropped them off at the LFS. Got half my money back in credit which aint bad considering I have a healthy bunch of fry from them :good:

Anyway, came back home and syphoned out about 200ltrs of water, took all the rocks out and gave the tank a good clean, then completely stripped the filter, tubes, valves etc and cleaned them all out. Was amazed by the amount of gunk that came out the tubes :blush:

Anyway, put the filter back together, and started tinkering with the rocks as I was putting them back in. What I ended up doing was putting about half of them back as all that's in the tank now is the Brichardi fry, the pair of sunspot brevis and my pleco, so I wanted a display that would at least let me see the fry. Also moved the shells and brevis over from the left to the right side of the tank. Everything went really well apart from the filter having an air lock that almost drove me nuts getting rid of it but eventually did. Also found 3 fry in the filter :)

Here's a pic of the tank after the re-scape..

So today I took the kids out to the zoo and when we cam back had a wee peek in the tank, as you do and noticed some new fry swimming amongst the Brevis shells. Can only assume they're brevis fry....tried to get a few pics but they're tiny and I'm hopeless with a camera...still, think you can just about make them out





Was a wee bit bored tonight so got the camera out...unfortunately I've not got any better with it :lol:













All fry really coming on now, being fed and looked after. Brevis fry have doubled in size in a week. :good:
Update time...it's been a while.

Brevis fry didn't last unfortunately :sad: Was overseas, came back and they'd disappeared so can only assume adults ate them.
I've removed approx 30 Brichardi fry as they were large enough to trade in at the local pet shop and scheduled the rest to go to them in a month or so. They grow so slowly it's unreal. Meantime I decided to add a few Julies. Have 1 female and 3 males for the moment as I'm still waiting for the female to choose her suitor. When she does the remaining males will be removed and brought back to the shop. Here's a few pics.




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