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    :wub: Awww I have two turltes, they are red eared slidders. Gala and Pagos! They are very sweet, they are 8 years old, I got them when they were just under 4 months. They are so easy to take care of, but you do have to give them a lot of love because then they will recognize you and listen to...
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    My Drafts (and A Warmblood!)

    Awwwwww, so cute, pretty, sweet just beautiful!!! :wub:
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    Please help....

    :-( I was unable to get in here because of work, worked overtime and didn't have time. I just had to take my Moe(tiger barb) out of the tank, it passed away :( But when I saw his eye the puffy one, looks like it has popped 'cause it was all flat. N-e-ways, thanks guys for the suggestions...
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    Please help....

    Hey guys, I didn't really know where to go and find the answer I was looking for, so please answer back if you can help me out. :dunno: I just realized one of my tiger Barbs(Moe who is over a year) has one of his eyes all black and puffy, which was not there before. Do any of you know what...
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    My silly puppy

    :*) Thank u laurasmithuk!!
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    :* Pigi is a female, 6yr old cat (but she's still a baby)
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    My silly puppy

    Thank you guys! He's quite an angel when he wants to be. :*
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    Pics of your pets making funny faces?

    :wub: Here's my silly puppy
  9. Cucho.jpg


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    Yea they get pretty shiny :*
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    Thank you! I know, everyone thinks coloured them lol :wub:
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    My silly puppy

    Isn't he soo cute? :wub:
  13. Cucho.jpg


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    Here's another pic of my big baby :wub: Are you ever seen eyes like that?
  15. Puri.jpg


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    Just thought I'd share a pic of my baby girl Puma :wub: She's such a little devil!
  17. culito.jpg


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    Help my Betta

    ;) Thank you I'll try that.
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    Help my Betta

    :o This morning when I was cleaning one of my betta's water (Putako), I noticed that his eyes are big like bubbles and he has little white bubbles around it. What is that and what could I do? Could it be ich? please help. :-(
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    How did you get your pets?

    :wub: I got one of my cats from the street (she was a street cat and no one claimed her), my other cat from my cousin (her friend had a street cat who gave birht to some kitten in his backyard) and my puppy from my uncle(but he got it from a pet store.)
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    my new puppy

    :wub: Sooo cute!!
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    Ever seen a leopard gecko?

    :wub: awww, it's soo pretty!
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    How many pets do you have?

    :D Not counting my fishies and my two frogies I have: Charlie, a Basset Hound, soon to be 5 years old Pigi, a white and grey Cat, 5 years old Puma, a black Cat, 1and a half years old Gala, a Turtle, 6 years old Pagos, a Turtle, 6 years old and I want more! animals are just soooo cute! :wub:
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    I need Help please.....

    Thanks Pointy Kitty, I get aggresive too but in a polite way. I'm just so upset that I have no choice but to return the poor little fishie and the earlier the better. :-( I don't really care about getting a credit or anything...just the thought of leaving him there makes me upset.
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    I need Help please.....

    Hey guys, I recently got an I.D shark and the only thing that the person told me was that he can grow big and can possibly eat any small fish I may have. Being the curious monkey that I am, I went on line to see what its like. That's where I read that it can grow up to 4 feet. :o Now I...
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    Need Help!

    It's the second one! 20 Gal. 1 Glass Cat (Spy) = couldn't be 1 Gold algea (Algea) = couldn't be 1 Platinum Khuli Loach (Max) = couldn't be 1 Black sword (Knite) = yes 1 assorted platty (Sunshine) = yes I always see knite swimming after sunshine, so does that mean sunshine is the female? I...
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    Need Help!

    :unsure: ¿¿How can you tell when your fish are pregnant?? Yesterday I saw a small fish swimming around then a few minutes later it was gone! I think the other fish ate it. I'm not sure if there are other eggs in there or not because I cannot see anything. can you tell?? and then...
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    Pet Distribution Amongst Members

    :wub: I love animals. I have two cats (Pigi and Puma), 2 turtles (Gala and Pagos), a Basset Hound (Charlie), and my fishies. I'm trying to convince my mom to get a bunny. :wub:
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    everyone's got a pet that does...

    :wub: OMG if you really want to know what my babies do, i'd be here forever. They are sooo silly, all of them.
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    Kitten Pics

    :wub: They are adorable. Please do take care of them!!
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    just gonna cry a bit

    :-( Greathat, I'll join you and cry with you. In the last 2 days I have lost 3 of my fishies (they got ick) I'm treating the rest but they don't look happy. :no: But at least we tried to help help and they know that we love them.
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    Feeding kuhlii loaches

    I know what you mean, I have one and he hides all the time, I see him once in a blue moon.
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    A fish got stuck to my filter :(

    :-( For some reason my Guppy did that (Rainbow) and I noticed that today when I woke up and it was too late. :byebye:
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    New Fish

    :thumbs: Congrat!! :cool: I'm going to get some more fish real soon, but just waiting for one of my tank to get better because my babies are ill. :-( Have any suggestions on what to get?
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    New Fish

    :thumbs: Congrat!! :cool: I'm going to get some more fish real soon, but just waiting for one of my tank to get better because my babies are ill. :-( Have any suggestiong on what to get?
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    New swords

    :thumbs: Congrat!! :cool:
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    freeze dried bloodworms

    I would say frozen blood worms are more like a snack, which should be given once in awhile. My fish eat them only when I have to feed my frogies. :thumbs:
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    :thumbs: I have 2 african dwarf frogs (Kermit and Junior) in one of my tanks and they are doing just fine. You have to feed them every 3 days, they eat frozen blood worms which is ok for fish too because it's like a treat for them. I don't know what frogs you saw in the store but I'm telling...
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    I need help!

    :) Just answering my own question. Which means that they are sick, but just to let you know Chooklet, I am treating them and they seem like they are getting better because theya re swiming around again. :D
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    :wub: I feel so loved :*) Thank you guys and thank you for helping me out here. Can't wait to get some pics up so you can all see my babies and say :kewlpics: