Pet Distribution Amongst Members

What pet/s do you have?

  • Cat (and fish)

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  • Dog (and fish)

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  • Bird (and fish)

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  • Other

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  • Just fish

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  • No fish

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  • Spouse

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  • Multiple species

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  • Total voters
rico said:
hoping to have a lizard soon, any suggestions?
Try leopard geckoes. They get to know you and will allow you to hold them. Get adults or juviniles b cuz they are easier than babies(my expierience). They can get to around 10 inches and can live to 40, yes 40, in human years if you keep them well. They live to 20 with average care. Males will fight so either get 1 or a bunch of females
My parents have dubbed my room "the pet store." :p
My bedroom is the 2nd largest room in the house, so I have plenty of room for many things.

Barkley, my 8 year old papillon dog who I saved. He has terrible dental and ear problems. Until I saved him 2 years ago, he lived strictly on canned food. Canned dog food for 6 straight years! Pathetic. He is very over weight because of that, and his dental problems are from that as well. When I first saw him I seriously thought he was a bear cub (gives you an idea of how round he was). He is very happy now with a yard of his own, a diet of hard food with a monthly treat of soft, chewy food, and medication for his ears.

Anubis, a stray black cat who decided to take up residence here. He has been with us for 2 years now. When he first wandered into our backyard, he was very wild. I spent an entire summer working with him, slowly but surely. I will never forget the day he finally made contact with my hand. All the hard work and patience paid off. For over a year I was the only person he would let around him. Now after 2 years he is comfortable with the entire family, has his own bed and food dishes on the porch, and is best friends with Barkley :D

Fabana, the black widow of birds. She is a 4 year old zebra finch and has outlived 2 mates. Her first mate was killed by a cat, but she managed to survive by hiding under the newspaper in the bottom of the cage. Her second mate, who was perfectly healthy, was found mysteriously dead one morning laying peacefully on the bottom of the cage. Fabana sat on her perch giving me an eerie eye :dunno:

Simon and Garfunkle are caged in my bedroom ;) No, not the singers, but my rats! Cutest things ever! They were given to me by a friend who couldn't afford to keep them any longer (she was saving up for her cat's cancer surgery). These fellows never stop amusing me, and themselves, and love giving kisses. Barkley is scared to death of them.

I also have 2 dwarf hamsters who are not named. They were given to me by another friend who couldn't take them to college with her. Very cute tiny things. They sleep a lot. Barkley is scared to death of them, also.

Then there are my 29 fish :D
man, i love anamials. right this second i have my many fish, my alaskan husky dog Blue, my kitty Hobo, my parakeep Fred, and my son :p . this is because i live in a garage right now. i love anamials and will keep as amny as my hubby will let me!
:wub: I love animals. I have two cats (Pigi and Puma), 2 turtles (Gala and Pagos), a Basset Hound (Charlie), and my fishies. I'm trying to convince my mom to get a bunny. :wub:
at my apartment i just have fishies and my white boxer, Delilah.
At my mom's there are 4 dogs, rottie/lab mix-Bailey, spitz-Spaz, 2 mutts booger and petey.
also various cats that come and go, but "ours" are blossom DLH orange and kitty DSH black.

Pets of the past:
Too many dogs and cats to list here
rabbits, most recently trigger, holland lop, and angel, mini rex
guinea pigs
pot bellied pig
... i think thats all
I have a bunch of fish, 4 cats, a purebred siberian husky, an eel, a muscle, soon to get a cockatiel, I want to get a snake and a lizard once we build a joint and used to own a ringtail possum. I've also had a wedge tailed eagle stay with me for a while a few years ago as it had something wrong with his wing so I looked after him till he was better then let him go. I've also owned a few rats in the past as well as guinea pigs. One two bedroom flat is just too small for anything other than what I have here and the bird that's on it's way as soon as my dad's birds breed again lmao. As it is my dog has to stay at my mum's joint till we move :( I miss her but she's well looked after.

There is a bunch of other stuff I've had in the past but too many to mention lol
I have a ribbon snake (4 feet long), a ball python ( 1 foot), a cat (named Tak, a calico), 25 gold fish, 2 Oscars, 2 tinfoils, and 12 Bettas. This is only in my apartment by the way, I have literally hundereds mor efishies at my dad's. :D

Oh....and a :p :D

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