A fish got stuck to my filter :(


New Member
Apr 5, 2004
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I am not running a tropical tank at the moment but this is a farily generic question and this forum seems to get the most activity.

I just put my fish into the tank today, and one of them swam right up against the filter in the bottom corner and got stuck to it! Fortunately I was watching at the time and switched it off immediately.

What can I do to avoid this problem?? Im guessing i've made a mistake somewhere!


I don't think thats the right sized powerhead for your tank. Either turn it down to minimum or exchange for a smaller one. Also sounds like you're using an undergravel filter, you might want to consider something that will keep your water cleaner.
You can put a plastic wire mesh around your filter inlet thereby increasing the distance between fish and "suckie up" pipe. It also depends on the type of fish of course. Some fish, especially the "loaches" will always try for a pipe, I solved this problem by putting a few well disgised !/2" pipes in the substrate. The loaches, especially the Kullies love them.
The fish are fine around the filter, it was just the occasion when 1 fish swam right across the inlet belly touching.

I think it is part of an undergravel filter system, I have the undergravel bed in the tank also but couldnt see exactly how the 2 went together. may try making a rounded head, this way the fish would not be able to cover the whole inlet at the same time so would get stuck.

After a bit of thought, and some looking through the other members pictures I finally realised exactly how my powerhead should be setup with the undergravel filter system!!

It is now operating correctly, although when I first turned it on it blew a load of crap into my water, which was lovely and clean! Looks like its settleing now though.

May get a standard filter instead, not convinced how well it is going to work in a 3ft long tank, expecially as it is placed near the back corner, would look crap in the middle!

my female convict got sucked up in to the filter and i tried to remove her but it was too late i suggest a wire mesh over the tube or a different filter with less flow
I'd say the same as NEWBUTNOTDUMB69. one of our cardinals got stuck up the filter once but it was too late and he was paralised. luckily enough you were watching. it is very harmful for the fish to get stuck up there. i'd do what ever would take the least time.
ive had the same problem but my fish didnt get stuck in the filter just at the back.

fish seem to like tite gaps and my penguin fish swam through the side of my filter and got stuck in the back lots of times.

if this happens just gently move the filter away from the glass and the fish should swim away.

watch ur fish and see if they go back again, and also move this filter so that the fish cannot get stuck anymore

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