How many pets do you have?

Not counting fish, how many pets do you have?

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ok,I have a 5week old boxer pup.Her name is roxanne.I have a 10mth. old kitten her name is Lucy.Shes a tuxedo cat.And I also have lots of fish!!2 male bettas and well,I can't name them all!! They are all apart of our little family.I love them all! :)
Blue- sprint husky
Racso- corgi mix
Dryden- pound puppy
Hobo-grey tabby
Fred- parakeet
Wishbone- turtle

What i want is a little dog called the Alaska Klee Kai....has anyone heard of them before? there are three different sizes, and so you know, on the far let is a persons leg, the dogs are not even up to his knee. im looking into getting one of these cute little dogs in the future.
2 Diamond-my german sheperd and shana - my b*tchy pekinese. That 12 pound dog scares my 60 pound german sheperd. Poor dog.
:D Not counting my fishies and my two frogies I have:
Charlie, a Basset Hound, soon to be 5 years old
Pigi, a white and grey Cat, 5 years old
Puma, a black Cat, 1and a half years old
Gala, a Turtle, 6 years old
Pagos, a Turtle, 6 years old
and I want more! animals are just soooo cute! :wub:
I have 3 guinea pigs, Colin, Oscar and Monty.

I was at the pet shop the other day and saw one who was so utterly gorgeous and totally caught my eye. I hope that I might be able to get him at some point.
five horses at this point:
Pandora-Arab mare, my second horse, but she's better athletically than Doll
Dolly-QH mare, my first horse, she'll always have that spot
Ivy-QH mare, my mom's brat horse, just good for breeding
Starter-National Show Horse colt, my own new project horse that will be the best horse in the world after i'm done with him :D
Stormy-Arab colt, one we're keeping for a friend but he's been here long enough like he's ours!

Three dogs:
Abby-an ancient Lab who is Jake's mother
Jake-black Lab, the baby of the household
Peanut-Hartford street dog my dad found and brought home with him

Two cats:
Sassafrass-another ancient 18 yo cat, the cutest thing though!
Marmalade-a brat of a cat but he's my baby!

I have to remember the good old days where we had rabbits and chickens and horses and dogs and cats and turtles...the list would go on and on :rolleyes:
Over a Dozen :look:

Nine Horses (only 8 belong to us though)

Willa is over 20 and is an Appendix QH, and is the aging boss of the herd

Lilly is our newish paint pony who serves as a lesson horse ( My mom gives riding lessons)

Gypsy is an Arab, and hopefully will be going soon. She boards at our barn, but has to be in a paddock alone due to 'compatibility' issues.

Ruby is a Chestnut, and is becoming the new boss of the herd. She has a very long face and has an extremely soft nose (if she doesn't bite your fingers off touching it)

Fleur is our main lesson horse, and although she is very anti social and fat, she is a great beginner horse

Moving on to the Geldings :thumbs:

Bixter is a Hanoverian, and is all white except for a giant brown spot on his side, he is very dopey and will let you play with his lips

Bill is an Arab and something else I don't remember right now, but is also another main lesson horse, and is the sweetest a horse can get :wub: he is very fuzzy, will let you scratch his face, and has a white lip , which is strange on his black nose and overall brown appearance, but it makes him look all the more friendly.

And finally (for our horses at least) theres Levi, who is our newest horse, and is a Trichaner ( I have absolutely no idea how to spell that) and will usually hang out with Bixter, and eat Bill's food.

Then of course we have our three cats, Puma, Puck, and Frisky

Puma is fat, lazy and mean, Puck is very old (about 18 now I believe) and very friendly, and Frisky is wild, and also very small (which is a good thing), we adopted her from our neighbors dairy farm up the road.

And then of course we have our two dogs, Luther and Nigel. :wub:
(Pictures here)

Luther is very submissive German Shepherd, but will valiantly defend the house from all the little 9 year old girls who come here for lessons, which can be intimidating, for he weighs over 100 lbs and if he could stand up he would probably be around 5' 8''. :unsure: . Nigel is a Corgi, and the only thing he and Luther have in common are their big stand up ears. Nigel is bold, aggressive (to a point) and will try to get away with anything, which I think is good for Luther, because it helps him be more social.
Just to illustrate the character differences, Luther Hides whenever a thunderstorm is going on, knocking over tables and couches to shield himself, which Nigel looks out the window our up at the sky and barks. :lol:

Well, those are all of my pets (excluding fish) :)
i dint see the bit about fish b4 i voted.Ah well.Ive got;
a black dwarf rabbit called holly
a guinna pig called lucy
a border collie called becky
a gerbil called billie joe
n loads of fish
I have 4. One minature poodle named Bentley. He's 4 years old and a little brat...but he's too cute to stay mad at him for long. His brother is a toy poodle named Shortie. He will be 5 August 4th. Although he is older than Bentley he is a scaredy cat and lets Bentley boss him around.

Then I have a black cat named Nermil.....she's actually my boyfriends cat but we live together. She's 11 years old and very very moody!

Finally I just recently took in a stray kitten. I'm guessing shes about 6 or 7 months old. She's a calico and very very sweet. We named her Riah.

Thats all....for now

Have to correct this! We brought the stray to the vet and found out she is 7 years old and PREGNANT! :hyper:

So I guess I will have even more pets very very soon! :eek:
I have 1, well actually its my sisters. Its a really naughty black rabbit (also quite cute but very annoying because it licks or eats everything :lol: )

His name is Noodle - not my idea. If it were up to me it would be called Hades, little devil :devil: .

btw Inchworm, you missed out '0 pets' on the poll. lol
I voted 8, then I saw the bit about the fish!

I have one dog which is a family dog Bondu, he is a 9 year old terrier who we rescued from Cyprus at the age of 9 months. We thought he was black when we got him then we bathed him, he turned out to be white with fawn patches!

1 guinea pig, Merlin, very cute

1 goat, Louise, she's a 3/4 year old British Toggenburg cross, my baby, been looking after her for 2/3 years.

1 calf Guinevere a brown limousin calf with a white tail tip and white star on her forehead, she's my other baby. I'm going to be showing her soon, we can't wait! She's very naughty and only 9 months old. I raised her from 4 weeks old. And, she cost £88 from a market!
I only have two at the moment- both cats. A siamese cross named Camille, and a domestic shorthair named Kate.
Hi schzaam :)

You can just vote for the pets you have. Do you have any pets, except for your fish? :dunno:

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