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  1. Q

    Doh !

    I called into a faily large lfs today, whilst I was on my travels. About 50 miles from home so not local to me but it must be to a lot of people. Anyway the tanks were stocked with all the usual fish, you all know the script. The thing is I asked at the counter if they had andy Killi's in. The...
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    Hi Guys

    Its ok fried :rolleyes:
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    Just a small update. The house purchase went belly up so I'm sick as a chip :( Looks like the long long wait for my first fish house just got longer.
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    DIY tank covers

    Check out the other diy stuff on the same site for making tank deviders. Then clip a piece of the prismatic diffuser to it and bingo your away. Quint
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    DIY tank covers

    Good post, thanks. Easy to do and readily available, you can cet that stuff free from any builders that are doing a shop or office upgrade. Quint
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    controlling CO2 flow

    Whats at the other end of the tube ?
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    My angels laid eggs!

    Spot on with the pics, good luck with the spawning :)
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    *gripe* Mom...

    Careful on that one, when my son threatened to move out we helped him pack and half a day after he made the threat he was gone. yipeeeeeeee
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    *gripe* Mom...

    It might be more simple to move your mom out and take over her room for all your tanks. :rofl: :rofl: Sorry though it can't be easy being told what to do all the time. She has got to see that the fish take priority over decorating.
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    Antlers in tank?

    Don't see why not cos I suppose its bone (I think) Might be a bit controversial though having part of a dead animal on display.
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    Anything wrong with this tank?

    I don't get it, how are they protected from the ice? Must admit though, they look ok. Perhaps they are swimming about to try and keep warm.
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    Out of control

    Nice 1 tttnjfttt, I'm glad to see that MTS dosen't exist on your side of the pond as much as it doesn't exist here. :rofl: :rofl:
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    Quick solution

    Not really diy but cheap, I was at my local supermarket today and saw some large tupperware boxes. Ideal for that temp home if disaster strikes, they were about 3 to 4 uk gallon, square with clear sides, spot on for floating in the main tank and still seeing whats going on. A quick cheap...
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    name my fish lol

    Yo Wolf When you say geneticaly modified, What do you mean ? how ? who ? why ? Quint
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    Ah whats this financial freedom thing that you mentioned? :lol:
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    Hey guys, Last night we were sat at home, (picture the scene) Mr & Mrs saddo staying in on a Friday night. Anyway I digress. Suddenly she who must be obeyed said "that was a good tv program wasn't it " It was then that I realised I had just spent the most pleasant last half hour watching my...
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    How do you reduce fish stress?

    If your fish are stressed then you are doing something wrong, In a well bellanced eco-system they will not be stressed. Check all your readings and go from there, also your mix of fish speceis could account for a bit of tension within the community, once all these are spot on you can relax and...
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    Which are the mucky ones? Light and heavy waste

    No food=no pooh unfortunately it will also mean no fish :kana:
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    woody good price

    Its genuine Honest. If I get chance next week I'll try and post a pic of it :nod:
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    I asked the same tying about 80 post ago, I got the same response as you and it worked for me Should I have said FAQ there? :D
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    POST 1001 YEY

    85 and counting. Some of those may have contained some sense :rofl: :rofl:
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    Planning a New Tank Upgrade!

    Try this and see if it helps Quint
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    woody good price

    Well I rekon that £49.99 gbp Works out at $90 us Believe me it was not that nice.
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    woody good price

    I went to my local garden center the other day, you know the type! Good with plants and try to be an lfs at the same time. Doesn't work imo but anyway can you beat this. Piece of tree root about 18 inch long..................£49:99 When I asked if the price should read £4:99 I was told that...
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    Discus newbie!

    1) never tried 2)How can they be in a community tan on their own? 3)OH boy, this is the biggie. water quality is paramount more so than any other fish i've tried. My advise is to keep it well monitored, slight fluctuations will be tolerated but only if its bang on will they be really happy...
  26. Q

    So the Kribs Got a Divorce

    Hi Picca, Oh oh, could this be the start of MTS (multiple tank syndrome) :whistle: We all start with just the one , promise . It goes on from there. :rofl: :rofl:
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    Hi Trace, Take out a small amount of tank water, say 2 pints or so and replace with cool water. Poor it in slowly at one end so that it mixes naturaly with the rest. Quint
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    no electic for 6 hours

    Don't worry. Use the time to clean the tank. At a pinch you could put some hot water in a themos ready or warm some up on the hob. If you are really panicing wrap the tank with a duvet. :D
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    rock decorations

    I used to collect sand stone off the moors, Never once had any problems with it.
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    prolonged exposure risk?

    Nice 1 wilder, Thats what I meant to say. :D
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    prolonged exposure risk?

    Correct we have all done it .......However Has anyone considered the danger of electrocution and possible death. :huh: :sad: Even though we all do it, how many of us turn the power off. I myself have been cleaning my tank, knocked the heater and broken the glass. If at that moment the...
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    my 10G broke and i need soem help

    Yep I rekon that could be considered as broke . :crazy:
  33. Q

    are all the "rules" really important?

    Rules are there to be broken. Its generally acceptable to abide by them though. If the monow is healthy ok, but in the wild it wouldn't be on its own would it. I have had fish in over stocked tanks in the past and all was ok because of good filtration etc, If you are comfortable with your...
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    Just curious to know

    What type are you after? Have you been to see at your lfs?
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    discus help

    That just about covers it. nice 1 pica :whistle:
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    my 10G broke and i need soem help

    Wasn't thinking of amything as drastic as a hammer. More like a wallpaper scraper up in between the glass and the pvc, it should work. Any way why is it un fixable ?
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    Dyed fish-

    To think my parents always taught me not to judge by the colour of the skin. I think in this instance they were very very wrong. Well out of order. :-(
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    my 10G broke and i need soem help

    Its only glued on but a bummer to get off. It normally falls off after a few years, I know thats no help to you now but all I can suggest is brute force.
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    Spot on rdd1952 I got bitten a good few years ago and there aint not no cure no how no way. :hi: to the fishy forum Jane. :D
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    Noisy Weir / Sump

    Would it not be possible to pack the fall with filter floss to kill the noise and get seconary filtration?