
Jane L

New Member
Jun 20, 2005
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Green Bay WI
Hi--I am new here so please be forgiving if I screw up! I am by no means an expert at anything tropical-fish related, and this is why I searched Google and found you! I have had two aquariums, one 25 gal and one 10 gal, for a couple of years now; they've both been stable and healthy for quite some time. 25 gal has two angelfish (one gold and one black marble) two clown loaches, and up until now one plecostomus, who is currently the subject of my concern; I will post and ask questions on him in the catfish forum unless someone advises me it belongs somewhere else! I am grateful for any help or advice I may get. Thanks for listening!
Hey :hi: to the forum. It is ok if u mess up everybody does when they are new and even when they aren't new! I hope u find this forum very informative and that u get ur quetions answered.
Thanks...I appreciate it. There's a lot of territory to cover here! Trying to maybe get an answer by reading through some of the forums and FAQ's..
by the way, I'm from Green Bay, WI. :)
I live kinda close to WI. Isn't Green Bay by Lake Supperior? That is a very cold lake, i went camping up there with my mom. dad, brother and his 4 kids. yah it is very cold lol. I am from Alexandria MN. it takes some time to find your way around this place. My dad is scared to ask a question on here cause it is soo big and he doesn't want to do anything wrong. Anyways hope u get ur info u need, i wouldn't be much of help with ur pleco. but maybe other posts in the future :)
Hi and welcome to the forum :)
Thanks for the welcomes! I've already gotten alot of insight and I sure appreciate it. Green Bay is located in NE Wisconsin right on the bay of Green Bay, which adjoins Lake Michigan. Everyone seems to know it for the Packers...Lambeau Field is about three miles from our house. And it does get cold here, but usually not as cold as it gets up by Lake Superior. They get a lot more snow there than we do up in the Snow Belt! :p
Hi and welcome to the forum. :hi: I am sure all your fish problems will be solved on here, everyone is very friendly and helpful :D
Welcome to the forum. Don't feel bad about messing up. It happens to everyone. If you meet someone who has aquariums and keeps fish and they tell you they have never lost a fish, back away before lightning strikes because anyone who has ever kept fish has lost fish. Beware of MTS (Multi Tank Syndrom) and try not to get too infected. Most everyone here is a carrier though so watch out. :lol:

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