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  1. P

    Problems With Guppies

    Hm... You see the problem is that if I give away half of them (like 8) than there will only be 8 guppies in a 63 gallon tank. That would feel kind of empty... I did have female guppies as well but there was too much breeding going on that is why I decided to rehome them and only keep males. Now...
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    Problems With Guppies

    HI! I have a juwel 240 tank and have 16 male guppies in there (plus two ottos). There are no females in there and the majority of the guppies seem fine, but some have torn tails... Their tails are not inflamed or anything - they are just split from the begning to the end of the tail. And some...
  3. P

    Angel Fish

    HI! I have a 63 gallon tank and there are some guppies in there already. I knoe angels aren't supposed to be with neons cause they will eat them but you think it could work with guppies? I would of course get a juvie angelfish. I know some of you wrote about keeping neons and angels togeter...
  4. P

    Australians Please...need Your Help

    HI! My cousin is going to move to AU from Europe in 6 months... BUT she has three common goldfish and she was asking if it was possible to get them to Australia, so I promised I will check. One of the goldfish is as old as she is because her mother got it as a present when she gave birth to...
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    Any Australian Out There?

    HI! My cousin is going to move to AU from Europe in 6 months... BUT she has three common goldfish and she was asking if it was possible to get them to Australia, so I promised I will check. One of the goldfish is as old as she is because her mother got it as a present when she gave birth to...
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    What If Anything Can I Put In A 10 Litre Tank

    some WCMMs would work I think, they are subtropical, as are zebra danios - tho they are very active, so zebras probably wouldn't work...
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    Oto Supplements

    My ottos will not take any prepared food...I have tried algae waffers, pleco food, zuchini, spirulina tabs (algae),...Plecos will ussually take all of this food, but ottos just don't seem to like it. Or maybe mine aren't hungry, because I have had them for over 2 yrs now and they are thriving :)...
  8. P

    Peckoltia Vittata

    HI! I saw one of these today in our local LFS which is pretty special since we don't get many plecos here...I know they grow to be only 10 cm large, which is great :) But since I can't have my original pleco (common) back cause he would destroy all my plants, I was wondering if peckoltia...
  9. P

    Goldie Rescuing...

    update... I now have 27 goldies at home... :rolleyes: and keep them in all sorts of containers...I have 10 goldies in two tanks and than I have a tube with goldies and erm...some in a plastic container. So I do water changes daily (Thank god we have our own water source :) ) and am hoping...
  10. P

    What Kind Of Pleco

    simonas, if you are already registered at plecofanatics could I please ask you to post a question about this ploec. Or give them a link of this topic? I have some troubles with my mail right now... THX
  11. P

    Natural Selection Doesn't Always Work...

    So I have a lot of guppys in my tank and females are constantly giving birth to tiny fry. I decided I am going to leave the fry in the main tank so that only the fittest babies survive. Tho I must admit I can't watch the babies being eaten that is why I have females and males separated but...
  12. P

    What Kind Of Pleco

    Well the first pic is taken with flash that is why his eyes look pink. It has blue eyes in reality, that is why I was intrigued cause I have never seen blueyed pleco before and as far as I kinow albinos can't have any other colored eyes than red/pink... hm, but I don't think he is panaque...
  13. P

    What Kind Of Pleco

    what is this pleco? It is cca 30 cm large and 3 years old. It is white, but has blue eyes so it isn't albino? THX
  14. P

    Goldie Rescuing...

    HI! I managed to catch 5 goldies for now. They are all pretty small. I put them in my empty 30 gallon. I know this tank is too small to hold goldies in a long run, but I am only planing on keeping them for a while and than give most of them to people with ponds - I already recieved some replies...
  15. P

    Goldie Rescuing...

    HI! Today I just found out that someone was drying out his pond and was planing to just let all the fish in there die...There are only goldies in that pond but there is quite a lot of them. Since I have been planing on buying some goldies anyway I decided I want to rescue those goldies, tho I...
  16. P


    off topic really, but behold - do you still have all harlequin tetras? aren't pictus predatory and eat small fish? Just asking cause I like it but have guppies and people told me they would get eaten...
  17. P

    Common Pleco - Temp?

    well when I was misinformed I kept one with goldies at 18 C. He was perfectly fine, eating well and didn't bother the goldies. He lived in that tank for two years before I learned plecos are tropical and moved him to a tropical tank. He was never seek, had great apetite and was growing OK but I...
  18. P

    Tanks At A Good Price?

    Milton keynes area - but am prepared to drive quite a distance for a good price ;) PS: How do you send pm
  19. P

    1 Glass Catfish

    HI! Since you like glass catfish but don't have a lot of room for them. What about Danionella cf. translucida (glass dwarf danio). they are transparent also ;) Just a suggestion...
  20. P

    Any Idea What This Is ?

  21. P

    Good Algae Eating Fish?

    I would suggest you to get ottos - they are really well at cleaning the algae. Some people will say they are prone to just dieing for no reason but i have actually found them to be quiet hardy... I did find out however that different species of ottos have different shoaling behaviour. The ottos...
  22. P

    Tanks At A Good Price?

    HI! Do you know of a place in Uk that sells cheap tanks?How much is it? I want a bigger tank. It doesn't have to have filter or heater (already have them), but it does need to have a cover with lights. THX PS: I know that walmart in USA sells them cheap, but usa is a bit far, you know :)
  23. P

    Australian Plants...

    the guy whi is selling me fish also said he could try and get me some of the listed plants. I won't have too many plants in there than just a few ;)
  24. P

    Australian Plants...

    THX :) Yeah, I don't want any interbreeding going on, don't worry, wont keep them together. tottaly off topic but - does the whole genus pseudomugil interbreed or not? Cause I am presuming that rainbows other than pseudomugil can't interbreed (I mean with pseudomugil)...
  25. P

    2 Different Species Of Ottos

    I guess I will have to find that myself, ha? OK - than I will tell you if they shoal together or not in about 3 weeks :)
  26. P

    Australian Plants...

    THX! I am getting P.furcatus or P. conniae, tho aftere reading at rainbowfish site they say that even p. signifer isn't brackish as previously tought.Don't know... No, not from AU, I am from EU...
  27. P

    2 Different Species Of Ottos

    Hi! I have 2 ottos in my 63 us gallon tank. i don't know which species exactly tho I have checked on the planet catfish. those two don't have a line right to the tail - the line is broken before that. well anyway I have them for almost a year now, they were previously in my smaller aquarium. I...
  28. P

    Pleco For Heavily Planted Aquarium...

    so just Bn than? Well I like fish more, but want my aquarium to stay planted as well ;) I saw longfin Bn along with albino long fin Bn, they were all juvies. So...I have a question...I know that adult BN males have bristles on their noses and femaled don't or at leat not as prominent
  29. P


    Oh...OK that's a relief to hear...
  30. P

    Cheapest Fish Food In Uk

    HI! Where can you buy the cheapest fish food in UK? I am also interested in live food, frozen, dried food. online or possibly somewhere between london and MK or like that distance from MK. thx
  31. P


    that is so sad :( The other two probably died...
  32. P

    Australian Plants...

    Hi... Well I am getting a species of rainbowfish (I contacted one aquarist in our area who said he knows how to get them). It will be pseudomugil species. I was thinking of making them a biotop aquarium and so I want to know which plants would be great to add (I have experience with planted...
  33. P

    Pleco For Heavily Planted Aquarium...

    HI! I am deciding about which pleco to add for a very long time now... I had the option to get my old one back but I was adviced not to take him because he will abrupt my plants which I do not want of course... I have ottos already (5 will be) in juwel 240 aquarium (63 gallon us) but they...
  34. P

    Something Killed My Guppy

    when i first bought guppies they all died but one female. more than half of them had what your guppy has. I tried treating them with antibacterial treatment, then general tonic...nothing worked. But at the same time I had some guppy fry in that tank (from surviving female) and they all lived...
  35. P


    hm...I guess I wont take him than...I like my tank as it is and I like it heavily planted...He isn't in a shop but in a public aquarium, so I am sure it will get proper care they just asked me if I want him back when I said I am now looking for a plec... off topic but...what bottomdwellers...
  36. P

    Apistogramma Bitaeniata For Community?

    HI! Would it work with glass catfis, guppies and possibly a plec in my tank? I want none aggressive tank. they can be teritorial when breeding, right? But what if I get two males or females? THX
  37. P


    it's 121 x 41 x 55 cm (long) so that is 48 x 16 x 20inch Well I really don't know what to do...I was originally thinking of getting BN plec for that tank but that was before I got the chance of getting my little dragon back. I guess I am a little sentimental, I don't know... As I have said, my...
  38. P

    Dwarf Croaking Gourami Experience...

    yeah, I know there are two species sold under that name...but when I get one (IF) than i will purchase it under the latin name. didn't want to say latin name cause I am interested in both species (will get only one of course) do you have experience with pumila?
  39. P

    125g Stocking

    sorry to bring you bad news could only house one oscar in 125gallon...
  40. P

    Worldwide Shipping

    THX :) I looked on the angfa site and have registered to their forum (not posted anything yet tho). Will try to get hold of some rainbowfish, I really like them. Still don't know where to order them tho, but will search the net, maybe I will someone who breeds them.