Dwarf Croaking Gourami Experience...


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Does anyone have experience with them? Would they be Ok in a community tank (guppies, glass catfish, ottos) or would they be agresive? I read they are friendly, but than dwarf gouramis are also said to be friendly but in my experience they aren't...

yeah, I know there are two species sold under that name...but when I get one (IF) than i will purchase it under the latin name.
didn't want to say latin name cause I am interested in both species (will get only one of course)
do you have experience with pumila?
All of the Trichopsis pumila I have owned have always been friendly towards other fish. If you plan on getting a group, you should get at least four. They can sometimes get aggressive towards each other. I have kept them with ottos, swords, rams, female bettas, corys, and small rainbows without any problems.

I have had these fish for about 6 years.they do really well with water temps.close to 80 degrees.Well planted tanks seem to be the way to go if you can get them to breed.My tanks have about 15 caves and plants all around the sides and very little in the centre of the tank.
I enjoy the way they dart out and sneak around the edges to get from one side to the other .Floating plant give some cover but they seem to angle themselves near the top to feed.Awesome little jewels when their eyes catch the light.
I have had the little jewels pair off but never spawn.


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