Goldie Rescuing...


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Today I just found out that someone was drying out his pond and was planing to just let all the fish in there die...There are only goldies in that pond but there is quite a lot of them. Since I have been planing on buying some goldies anyway I decided I want to rescue those goldies, tho I am not sure I will be able to take them all. They are all commons (well maybe some comets, I don't know) but they aren't too big - like 10 cm. The guy is going to drain his pond by the end of the week, so no time to waste...Anyway my question is - is it Ok to put them in a large plastic tube temporarily? Will buy filter as soon as possible but they will be a bit overcrovded in there because there are so many of them...

Obviously there is no time to cycle so what do I need to do to avoid fish loss? Please, urgent, I am going to get some goldies tomorow and than I will be catching them until the pond is drained and will be adding them to that tube and I also have some empty aquariums in which I could put small goldies. But the main problem is the water isn't cycled...So do I just add bacteria or what?


Today I just found out that someone was drying out his pond and was planing to just let all the fish in there die...There are only goldies in that pond but there is quite a lot of them. Since I have been planing on buying some goldies anyway I decided I want to rescue those goldies, tho I am not sure I will be able to take them all. They are all commons (well maybe some comets, I don't know) but they aren't too big - like 10 cm. The guy is going to drain his pond by the end of the week, so no time to waste...Anyway my question is - is it Ok to put them in a large plastic tube temporarily? Will buy filter as soon as possible but they will be a bit overcrovded in there because there are so many of them...

Obviously there is no time to cycle so what do I need to do to avoid fish loss? Please, urgent, I am going to get some goldies tomorow and than I will be catching them until the pond is drained and will be adding them to that tube and I also have some empty aquariums in which I could put small goldies. But the main problem is the water isn't cycled...So do I just add bacteria or what?


You have to do daily water changes as going from a pond to a tub thats got no good bacteria the ammonia will go OTT and become lethal quite quickly.

Oxygen will also be a problem so make sure the water is agerated and well oxygenated.
How many litres/gallons does this tub hold exactly? A childrens plastic water proof sand pit or play pool might be a better option for the goldies while you are sorting out proper accommodation for them :thumbs: .

Today I just found out that someone was drying out his pond and was planing to just let all the fish in there die...There are only goldies in that pond but there is quite a lot of them. Since I have been planing on buying some goldies anyway I decided I want to rescue those goldies, tho I am not sure I will be able to take them all. They are all commons (well maybe some comets, I don't know) but they aren't too big - like 10 cm. The guy is going to drain his pond by the end of the week, so no time to waste...Anyway my question is - is it Ok to put them in a large plastic tube temporarily? Will buy filter as soon as possible but they will be a bit overcrovded in there because there are so many of them...

Obviously there is no time to cycle so what do I need to do to avoid fish loss? Please, urgent, I am going to get some goldies tomorow and than I will be catching them until the pond is drained and will be adding them to that tube and I also have some empty aquariums in which I could put small goldies. But the main problem is the water isn't cycled...So do I just add bacteria or what?


Just remember that for single tail Goldies they need 20GPF or more.. How many fish are there?..If you have to keep them in what you have daily water changes are a must and a good filter. Don't add bacteria. Theres no point. With so many fish in a small container the bacteria wouldn't even have time to settle and grow properly.

I managed to catch 5 goldies for now. They are all pretty small. I put them in my empty 30 gallon. I know this tank is too small to hold goldies in a long run, but I am only planing on keeping them for a while and than give most of them to people with ponds - I already recieved some replies to my add.
I have a 990 liter (I don't know how many gallons that is) tank hat is currently being cycled and am planing to keep 4 goldies in there permanently...But before I put any goldie in that tank I have to make sure they are healthy...

So those 5 goldies are doing fine right now, I am going to replace 50% of water daily and try to give them away tp people as soon as possibele :)
I think that I will put goldies that I catch tommorow in a tube and than...I don't know, hope that there isn't too many of them :rolleyes:


I now have 27 goldies at home... :rolleyes: and keep them in all sorts of containers...I have 10 goldies in two tanks and than I have a tube with goldies and erm...some in a plastic container. So I do water changes daily (Thank god we have our own water source :) ) and am hoping someone will adopt them soon. 6 goldies are going in the pond by the end of next week if everything is OK with them. I also recieved calls for some other goldies, but I am kinda fussy about new owners...I definetely don't wan't them to end up in bowls that is also one of the reason why I don't give them to pet shop (plus they don't even take fish).
so, by the next week there will be only 21 goldies left with me :)
Hopefully, even more will find great homes soon :)
Too bad there are not many people from my country on forums like this,...

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