What If Anything Can I Put In A 10 Litre Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 11, 2008
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I have this tank which I got at the beginning of my fishy loving life. I am currently using it as a halfway house for a few minnows while my big tank is cycling but afterward I would like to give it to my son as a means of giving him some (supervised) responsibility.

What would you recommend I put in it? Or is it just too small? It hasn't really got room for a heater so a betta is out of the question, a goldie would be too big. If I got a little fancy would this be ok or should I get some more minnows :blink:

Anyway here is the tank in question

It is 10litres
It has an underwater gravel filter

Many Thanks,


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With no heater....cherry shrimp and snails may be your only option, presuming the tank stays around room temperature and isn't usually below 10C for extended periods of time.

I can't really think of any subtropical micro-fish...
some WCMMs would work I think, they are subtropical, as are zebra danios - tho they are very active, so zebras probably wouldn't work...
I'd say neither would work in a 10 litre tank, the need to be kept in groups, plus both are too active.

Zebras are more active as you say, but white clouds are still way too active IMO. I used to keep white clouds in a 25 litre tank years ago, and they behaved differently, not doing much all day just kind of hovering. When they got a fright, the small dimensions of the tank was certainly bad for them - they got into a panic going in tight circles. I felt really bad for keeping them in it after moving them to a 90 litre, then 190litre.
Thanks for the replys. I was going to get some cherry shrimps for my big tank anyway so that sounds a great idea. how many could i put in the 10l tank and how do I look after them.

Thanks again
Start of with just a few 4 or 5. If you want the baby shrimp t survive, you need to cover the filter intake with something that will stop them getting sucked in.

Look after them the same as fish really when it comes to water quality. Real plants are a good idea in a shrimp tank, help keep water quality good and the baby shrimp like to browse for micro-organisms on the leaves and bit of dead plant are very happily picked at.
You can give them things like blanched/tinned spinach and most fish food, but if you want their best colours to show I've read proper shrimp food actually makes a difference :).

edit: Be careful with that 7.5W heater, you cant control it so the tank can overheat on hot day if you forget to unplug it, and I've heard they are unreliable - and one of mine certainly stopped working for no reason :(.
but if you want their best colours to show I've read proper shrimp food actually makes a difference :).

mine just live off the crap in the tank, and you need a pair of sunglasses to look at them lol.
ohhhhhh! lol its just, many people think that catfish and shrimps etc will eat actual fish crap which is not the case. there's no energy in poo so there would be no benefit unless they love the taste of crap lol
ohhhhhh! lol its just, many people think that catfish and shrimps etc will eat actual fish crap which is not the case. there's no energy in poo so there would be no benefit unless they love the taste of crap lol

haha, who doesnt like the taste of crap? :drool:

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