Australian Plants...


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Well I am getting a species of rainbowfish (I contacted one aquarist in our area who said he knows how to get them). It will be pseudomugil species.

I was thinking of making them a biotop aquarium and so I want to know which plants would be great to add (I have experience with planted tanks already).

australian plants if possible, otherwise it won't be biotop aquarium...

Hi paw paw.

you haven't given your location. Do you live in australia? If so, check Here...this place is great.

if not, some plants that are considered native to Aus (although may be found elsewhere too) are:

Australian Native Plants

Aldrovanda vesiculosa "Water Wheel Plant"

Ammannia baccifera "Daly River Ammannia"

Aponogeton euryspermus "Red Lace Plant"

Aponogeton tofus "NT Lace Plant"

Aponogeton vanbruggenii "NT Lace Plant"

Azolla pinnata "Azolla pinnata"

Blyxa aubertii "Blyxa"

Butomopsis latifolia "Butomopsis"

Ceratophyllum demersum "Hornwort"

Ceratopteris thalictroides "Water Sprite"

Elatine gratioloides "Waterwort"

Eleocharis caespitosissima "Anopheles Creek Hairgrass"

Eleocharis geniculata " Coomalie Creek Hairgrass"

Eriocaulon setaceum "Eriocaulon setaceun"

Glossostigma diandrum "Small Mud Mat"

Glossostigma elatinoides "Mud Matt"

Goodenia purpurascens "Goodenia purpurascens"

Hygrophila angustifolia "Willow Hygro"

Isachne confusa "Isachne confusa"

Lemna aequinoctialis "Duck Weed"

Limnophila aromatica "Limnophila aromatica"

Limnophila australis "Moyle River Ambulia"

Limnophila brownii "Darwin River Ambulia"

Limnophila chinensis "Limnophila chinensis"

Limnophila fragrans "Limnophila fragrans"

Lindernia tenuifolia "Lindernia tenuifolia"

Maidenia rubra "Maidenia"

Marsilia drummondii "Marsilia drummondii"

Marsilea hirsuta "Hansen's Nardoo"

Microcarpaea minima "Microcarpaea minima"

Mimulus uvedaliae "Mimulus uvedaliae"

Monochoria australasica "Monochoria australasica"

Monochoria vaginalis "Monochoria vaginalis"

Myriophyllum dicoccum "Howard River Milfoil"

Myriophyllum muricatum "Berry Creek Milfoil"

Najas tenuifolia "Najas tenuifolia"

Nelsonia campestris "Nelsonia campestris"

Nymphaea elleniae "Jardine Lily"

Nymphaea nouchali "Nymphaea nouchali"

Nymphaea pubescens "Nymphaea pubescens"

Nymphaea violacea "Nymphaea violacea"

Nymphoides crenata "Nymphoides crenata"

Nymphoides indica "Snow Flake Lily"

Nymphoides minima "Nymphoides minima"

Nymphoides spongiosa "Nymphoides spongiosa"

Ottelia alismoides "Ottelia alismoides"

Pogostemon stellatus "Pogo"

Potamogeton crispus "Curly Pondweed"

Potamogeton javanicus "Potamogeton javanicus"

Potamogeton tricarinatus "Potamogeton tricarinatus"

Rotala occultiflora "Rotala occultiflora"

Rotala mexicana "Rotala mexicana(red)"

Rotala mexicana "Rotala mexicana(green)"

Schoenoplectus litoralis "Daly River Club Rush"

Spirodela polyrhiza "Giant Duckweed"

Staurogyne leptocaulis "Staurogyne leptocaulis"

Utricularia gibba "Bladderwort"

Vallisneria caulescens "Branching Val"

Vallisneria nana "Native Val"

Vallisneria triptera "Vallisneria triptera"

Wolffia angusta "Wolffia"

What type of Pseudomogil are you getting? The type of plant you get would depend on which creek systems the fish inhabit for a true biotope.

hope this is of some help.
Some varieties of Pseudomugil signifer are brackish water rainbowfish and don't live in areas with plants. They do have grass growing into the water from the banks. There is often driftwood and smooth river rocks on a sandy bottom.
Other speices of blue-eye rainbowfish come from billabongs and creeks where water lillies and Aponogetons flourish.

ANGFA is an organisation dedicated to rainbowfishes and other species from Australia and New Guinea. They have a website at
and there is a link section. Check out Adrian Tappins Rainbow site. It has heaps of info on them.

I am getting P.furcatus or P. conniae, tho aftere reading at rainbowfish site they say that even p. signifer isn't brackish as previously tought.Don't know...
No, not from AU, I am from EU...
P. connieae & fucatus are from New Guinea, near a town called Popondetta in the south east corner of PNG.
Keep them in seperate tanks because they look quite similar to each other and will cross breed.
I don't think there are many plants in the water where they came from. The water is pretty deep and the river was wide. I know there were grasses growing over the banks into the water but not sure what plants if any were in there. However, that doesn't really matter because they look great with any plants.
They produce one or two really large eggs each day and the eggs take about 2 weeks to hatch at 24C. The fry can be fed on newly hatched brineshrimp or infusoria and powdered fry foods.
Wait until you see the males displaying, they are stunning.

Some P. signifer are brackish and some are found in fresh water. It just depends on exactly where they are found. Most rainbows can tolerate brackish water or pure fresh water.
THX :)

Yeah, I don't want any interbreeding going on, don't worry, wont keep them together.

tottaly off topic but - does the whole genus pseudomugil interbreed or not? Cause I am presuming that rainbows other than pseudomugil can't interbreed (I mean with pseudomugil)...
the guy whi is selling me fish also said he could try and get me some of the listed plants. I won't have too many plants in there than just a few ;)
tottaly off topic but - does the whole genus pseudomugil interbreed or not? Cause I am presuming that rainbows other than pseudomugil can't interbreed (I mean with pseudomugil)...
All blue-eye rainbows can cross breed with each other and produce viable young.
Likewise all the Melanotaenia, Glossolepis & Chilatherina rainbows can cross breed with each and produce viable young.
I don't know of anybody who has crossed a blue-eye (Pseudomugil) with any of the other types of rainbowfish (Melanotaenia, etc).
Normally rainbowfish will live together happily and won't cross breed unless they don't have any partners of the same species. If you keep groups of each species (say 6-10 of each species) they will be significantly less likely to cross breed because they have others of their own kind to breed with.
All male rainbowfish will display to any other male in the tank, doesn't matter what species it is. But they normally prefer to breed with their own kind. And if you collect eggs from a community tank then chances are there will be some hybrid eggs in there.
If you want to breed rainbowfish then put a single species in a tank, let them breed and then move the adults back into the community tank.

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