2 Different Species Of Ottos


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Hi! I have 2 ottos in my 63 us gallon tank. i don't know which species exactly tho I have checked on the planet catfish. those two don't have a line right to the tail - the line is broken before that. well anyway I have them for almost a year now, they were previously in my smaller aquarium.
I than couldn't find ottos anywhere for a lon time but I went to a pet shop and there they were...three ottos. Tho this shop doesn't really take good care of fish (there are a lot of dead fish in their tanks) I bought them cause I can't find them anywhere else. It seems they will be fine, they have been in my quarantine tank for a week now and their bellys are full and they are pooping OK :)
But they are a different species because they are a bit lighter in color and their line isn't broken and runs right to the end of the tail. they are active, started to munch on algae (that I deliberatedly left inthere) imediately after I put them in there.

my question is...Will they school with my two ottos even tho they aren't the same species? Cause those three are constantly together while my original two aren't together often (tho they are sometimes seen together but not like all the time)...
Or will they school in two different groups?

I guess I will have to find that myself, ha?

OK - than I will tell you if they shoal together or not in about 3 weeks :)
I think they will if they look pretty similar. I used to have pygmy corys in with otos and they would shoal with them swimming along the front of the tank lol

Emma :)

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