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  1. D

    This Is Dobbygolems Sister. :p

    Most of the current fish are nearing the end of their lives ;) I went out today and bought some new fish. Sorry i've forgotten the names of them. :P
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    This Is Dobbygolems Sister. :p

    Hello, some of you might remember me (currently dobbygolem typing) from ages ago when i started fishkeeping. I've since bought a 5 foot fish tank, and have just donated my old beginner fish tank to my sister. Firstly, i'd like to say thankyou to everyone that ever helped me with fishkeeping. I...
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    Help Please!

    Hello, some of you might remember me from ages ago when i started fishkeeping. I've since bought a 5 foot fish tank, and have just donated my old beginner fish tank to my sister. Here is her problem: I have been given a 31" x 1ft x 15" fish tank, and it currently has a siamese fighting fish, 4...
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    Home Made Fish Food

    I feed for my BN's: Lettuce - Just stick a whole leaf in. Cucumber - Chop a peice about 1 - 2" and peel the skin off Peas - I don't squish them up. Nor do I microwave them. :P Just take them out of the freezer, dip them into the tank to defrost them, and then peel off the skin and stick it...
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    New Bn's

    Right, went out today, after reserving some BN's. and bought a breeding pair of bristlenose catfish! I already had two, but I was really looking into breeding them but they aren't big enough yet. So, anyway, these ancistrus have already bred a few times. Are classed as a breeding pair now, and...
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    Cory Eggs, I Need Help Asap

    Im glad your eggs have hatched, and good luck on raising them! Don't worry about loosing them, and just concentrate on this three :) Sounds like a good setup, and good food source. Albinos and peppered i dont think will breed together, but albinos and bronzes will because they are the same...
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    What To Stock A 5gallon With?

    If you go with the frog i STRONGLY reccomend an african dwarf frog, although I dont think it would fit in a 4gal with a betta. They grow to 3inches, and dont worry if you get it and sometimes see your betta looking like he is trying to eat it! :P He will most likely be picking off some of the...
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    Filter Off :(

    Exactly what I was planning to do! =0P. And if nitrite creeps up to 0.25, ill do another 20% water change, maybe just 10... and if i see any ammonia ill do a water change. I'm pretty sure that it dies off if there is no flowing water... May well be wrong though, could anyone clarify please...
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    What To Stock A 5gallon With?

    1 siamese fighting fish and maybe a couple of very small other fish? Wait for someone else to comment on the "couple of very small fish". With a 5 gallon tank, there really isnt that much that you can stock. Siamese fighting fish are very pretty, ornamental fish, and do great as solitary...
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    Filter Off :(

    I went on holiday for a week, and just got back to find that my filter had been off for the whole week! I immediately turned it on, and did a fish count whilst doing an emergency water change. :S. I had a little suspicion, and was right, that some of the bacteria in the filter would have died...
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    How Often Do You Visit Tff?

    Around 5 times a day, I keep checked up on the cory section, and the non urdent question section ;) (this one :P)
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    Full Or Not Yet?

    How much is a few more? And the tank should really be 2', but there is a square ledge going around near the top, where I put the light. So I dont raise the water above that (That is where the bristlenose jumped onto, I have a coverglass now :D)
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    Full Or Not Yet?

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    How Do I Get My Plattys To Breed

    The best thing to do for the fish is return two of the males and get two females for them. Platies do best in a male female ratio of at least 1:2 and better off 1:3
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    How Do I Get My Plattys To Breed

    Well, to check the gender of your fish you can look for a gonopodioum, it is like a small stick where the anal fin it. This is what the male has, the females have nothing there. Also, your platies may well be breeding, but the fry are just being eaten, as platties can eat their fry alot of the...
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    New Tank Ideas

    You could always give both of the sides a background :D. Unless you like looking from the side too, in which case plants and decor in the way could be a great idea! Whichever is up to you! Hope all goes well with your new tank! :D
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    Cardinal Teras

    Dittoes molly ;) Live plants are good, as molly said, but they eat the nitrate in your tank, helping you clean it in a way, not nitrite ;)
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    New Tank Ideas

    It is slightly different to gravel, but you can use the same thing! :D You hover it a little above the sand, and it will suck the poo from the top of the sand, as alot of it won't get below the surface because the sand packs together so well! Okay, the sand can look a little bit dirty because of...
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    Full Or Not Yet?

    My tank currently I beleived is nicely stocked, with a little room spare so they don't ever feel crowded, but was wondering if i could add 1 or maybe two more fish in there. So here are my measurements, as i dont properly know the gallons. (I was told that this current stock list would be fine)...
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    Angelfish Pregnant?

    Right, it turns out that my female bristlenose has a bit of a ripped fin... But i'm off school ill at the moment so cant go out to get anything for her :crazy: . Putting that aside for now, I was keeping a watch on her and one of my angelfish swam past! :P (Bob). But i also noticed something...
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    Albino Cory Eggs

    No offence inchworm, but i didn't find it dificult at all! I kept them in relatively not good conditions, but the best I could provide and all six eggs that i put in there hatched, and now are swimming around in the big tank (Hopefully anyway, I may have released them while they were still a...
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    Coldwater Or Tropical?

    I think you can edit the poll now by editing the first post ;)
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    Snail Infestation!

    Lead doesn't affect the water, all of my plants use a peice of lead and sponge as a weight that wont crush the plants :P
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    A Friend

    He HAD 1 angelfish, 1 "pleco" (He doesn't know which kind) and 1 zebra loach He HAS 1 angelfish, 1 "pleco" (He doesn't know which kind) So it couldn't really have been any of the other fish... :S I really want to get to the bottom of this! :P
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    My New Baby!

    In that picture, he seems to have raised scales in a pinecone shape, I hgot a little worried when i saw the amount of raising on my BN as in this pic, is this nromal to see in certain angles of the BN and the light effect? I thought when i saw this photo that i was just over reacting, but then...
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    A Friend

    He just got back to me, after searching and thought it weas probably either the zebra/candy stripe loach. (Brotia Striata) He told me that this morning he had to bury it. I told him it might have been dropsy, and have given him an explanation of it, so hopefully it wont happen again. He only...
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    A Friend

    Bumpity bump
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    Crazy Pygmeaus

    If the gravel is sharp, then they may not like it as it will break and damage thier barbels. If you have sand or really smooth pebbles then they would be fine with it, maybe they are just settling in and have that personality, and like to swim about alot. My albino corydoras like to go up and...
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    A Friend

    My dads workmate keeps tropical fish, and he asked my dad to ask me how his "tiger catfish" is getting pregnant. He only has one of them, he has a pleco (doesnt know which kind) and he has an angelfish. He describes it as getting really fat and i said "dropsy?" But he said this has happened once...
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    Very Quick Question.

    What fish is this?
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    Control Center

    Where can i change my avatar, and change my sig? Thanks.
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    i JUST THIS MINUTE noticeed that, sorry! :S. Can a mod please move this? Thanks. I was about to post sorry, but you beat me to it :S.
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    I think ill just carry on as normal. I know it would be better for the fish if i kept the lights off but i now have lots of plants, and my room lights are quite fim :S. If it's just pecking order, i'd like to find out who is the "leader", so i'll keep an eye out. Thanks. :)
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    I went out today, and got 2 angelfish. Finally i have them! They look healthy, and have no ripped fins apart from VERY slight frayed edges to them from a little agressive angel in the tank. One is called Bob, and he is quite plain, whilst the other is called Crocket! . Crocket is basically...
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    Lettuce, brocolli or zucchini.
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    What Has Happerned To My Pim

    Poor fish, ive never seen anything like this before either. I agree. Rather than let it suffer slowly, gently put it down. :-( RIP. :(
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    Julii Cories?

    Can anyone post a picture of a true julii cory, as i know my LFS wouldn't put them as julii cories purposely, and my fave person there has been fish keeping for 42 or something years. He has MASSIVE shoals of cories, including julii, so im 100% posotive that even if they arent julii cories, he...
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    Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

    Guppy dude, you just got 100th post! :D On another note, I've been watching this thread since close to when you started it. I just want to say that it has been amazing watching the fry grow up, and the frequent updates on thier progress have been really nice seeing! Keep up the great work on...
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    Bn - "sand" On Cheek

    My male BN, which has once gone through whitespot (maybe twice) in the last half year, now seems to have something on his "cheek". It's just below the eye, and right of the bristle furthest up his "nose". It looks kind of like sand, and its in one small patch. It seems to be stuck to him, as...
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    Julii Cories?

    Julii cories are rare? I didnt know that! :lol:. I bought two from my really good LFS, and they were the only two there. I did kinda wonder why there weren't more with them! :D. (PS: Dont worry, there were other cories incase it seemed like they were on thier own.) How much would you expect to...