Julii Cories?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2005
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United States, Illinois, Chicago Area
So I won some cories off of Aquabid, under the description box of cories. I must admit that I really didn't care what kind of cories came in the box, I love them all :wub: . So he asked me what kind I would like in the box I told him that I would rather have a small group of rarer cories than a whole lot of common cories. He emailed me that he had just picked up Julii Cories and that he would send me 4 of them. I am just wondering what the chances that these cories will be real Julii and not Trilinlineatus, or a similar cory and not true Juliis? I must admit that I am skeptical, but hey I am not picky and Trilineatus would be awsome too.

Rez B)
Julii cories are rare? I didnt know that! :lol:. I bought two from my really good LFS, and they were the only two there. I did kinda wonder why there weren't more with them! :D. (PS: Dont worry, there were other cories incase it seemed like they were on thier own.)

How much would you expect to pay for two julii cories? I got mine for around £3.00
Julii cories are rare? I didnt know that! :lol:. I bought two from my really good LFS, and they were the only two there. I did kinda wonder why there weren't more with them! :D. (PS: Dont worry, there were other cories incase it seemed like they were on thier own.)

How much would you expect to pay for two julii cories? I got mine for around £3.00

thats the thing... 99% of the time they are triliniartis and not true Julii ;)

the shop will have sold them as Julii without a 2nd thought.
Julii cories are rare? I didnt know that! :lol:. I bought two from my really good LFS, and they were the only two there. I did kinda wonder why there weren't more with them! :D. (PS: Dont worry, there were other cories incase it seemed like they were on thier own.)

How much would you expect to pay for two julii cories? I got mine for around £3.00

True Julii cories are quite rare, I know all the time I see "Julii Cories" at my LFS and I roll my eyes because they are often not even close to being Julii, if fact I am lucky if they are even Trilineatus most of the time. Once they had a tank full of C. Schwartzi labeled as Julii cories :lol:. I am skeptical but I certainly hope that they are the real McCoy that would make my year!!

Rez B)
Hi Rez :)

Naturally, I had to go over there and look at the auction. Dflorio61 was the seller and I've bought corys from him myself. He's a very pleasant person to do business with. Will you be getting other fish in the shipment, or just those?

I can't say he is the best when it comes to identification, but the fish I received were very healthy and they were packed well.

The fish I bought from him were orange lazers that were sold as green lazers and C 102 that were sold as C. blochi. :D
Can anyone post a picture of a true julii cory, as i know my LFS wouldn't put them as julii cories purposely, and my fave person there has been fish keeping for 42 or something years. He has MASSIVE shoals of cories, including julii, so im 100% posotive that even if they arent julii cories, he labeled them as what he thought they were ;)
Can anyone post a picture of a true julii cory, as i know my LFS wouldn't put them as julii cories purposely, and my fave person there has been fish keeping for 42 or something years. He has MASSIVE shoals of cories, including julii, so im 100% posotive that even if they arent julii cories, he labeled them as what he thought they were ;)

post a piccy of yours and we'll tell you - that way we'll see the fisha nd be able to give an un biased point of view ;)

This is a TRUE Julii (above) I never thought about checking my Julii, turns out its actually a trilineatus, lol nvm

This is a trilineatus (below)
Hi Rez :)

Naturally, I had to go over there and look at the auction. Dflorio61 was the seller and I've bought corys from him myself. He's a very pleasant person to do business with. Will you be getting other fish in the shipment, or just those?

I can't say he is the best when it comes to identification, but the fish I received were very healthy and they were packed well.

The fish I bought from him were orange lazers that were sold as green lazers and C 102 that were sold as C. blochi. :D

Yes he is sending me just the "julii" I bet that they are Trilineatus, but I really don't mind if they are not true Julii, but it would be awsome if they were. Whatever cories I recieve will get the best care I can provide.

Rez B)
The C. trilineatus I bought were labeled as "spotted" cories. So I guess they can be labeled wrong in many different ways. If you do get C. trilineatus, you will be very happy with them. Im very happy with mine. Ive heard they are kind of shy. I have them with my Skunk cories and they all stay together in a big group, which makes them less shy I think . Let us know what you get :thumbs:
The C. trilineatus I bought were labeled as "spotted" cories. So I guess they can be labeled wrong in many different ways. If you do get C. trilineatus, you will be very happy with them. Im very happy with mine. Ive heard they are kind of shy. I have them with my Skunk cories and they all stay together in a big group, which makes them less shy I think . Let us know what you get :thumbs:

Mine were labeled as Julii Leopard CoryDora? lol
Here is a picture of the cories I recieved today:


They are still very faded from their long and stressful shipment, but I am pretty sure that they are in fact the common C. Trilineatus and not the true C. Julii. I recieved 7 full grown cories from the seller, and they look to be very healthy and very well taken care of. I will definately buy from this seller again when I have the space to hold more cories in the future. They are just lovely :wub:

Rez B)

This is a TRUE Julii (above) I never thought about checking my Julii, turns out its actually a trilineatus, lol nvm
In my opinion from this picture it looks alot like the ones you received. Well whatever cory they turn out to be they sure are nice.
IMO they ARE Julii compare with this image:

they look nothing loike trilineatus (below)


I found some Juliis day before last in a LFS I don't normally go to, and they were £4.99 each not bad for a rare cory

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