This Is Dobbygolems Sister. :p


Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2005
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Hello, some of you might remember me (currently dobbygolem typing) from ages ago when i started fishkeeping. I've since bought a 5 foot fish tank, and have just donated my old beginner fish tank to my sister.

Firstly, i'd like to say thankyou to everyone that ever helped me with fishkeeping. I still remember you all. Especially inchworm ;) THANKS! :p Anyway... Here's my sisters problem:

(My sister typing) I have been given a 31" x 1ft x 15" fish tank, and it currently has a siamese fighting fish, 4 neon tetras, 2 amano shrimps and 2 swordtails in the tank.

I will wait for these fish to die, and then get some more fish. The only problem i'm having is deciding which type. Please don't think "zebra danios, because they're really hardy" or anything, and please don't restrict me to only beginners fish. Ben'll help me.

I'd like around 3-4 fish. As big as possible, without overstocking the tank. Around 2"/3" i'm guessing. Here is what i'd idealy like:


Basically any type that stand out and look pretty.

I'd appriciate it if you could give me any ideas. I've got an EHEIM filter, forgotten which, with a 200-240V heater. It's a thermostat, that heats to 24 degrees celcius, with an anubais, which seems to be one of the few plants that can actually grow XD

Thanks ;)
why are you waiting for the current fish to die? you might be waiting a fair few years. neon tetras, healthy ones, can last around 10 years as it is. if you got the siamese fighting fish (a betta) a little tank of his own (2.5 - 5 gallons is good), you could then just work around the existing stock.

(bettas don't make good community fish, and have a life expectancy of 2-5 years)
Most of the current fish are nearing the end of their lives ;)

I went out today and bought some new fish. Sorry i've forgotten the names of them. :p

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