New Tank Ideas


Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
coatbridge, Scotland
hi peeps

I have i 20 litre tank I think its a 4 gallon but i was told itd small but this thing is big... any how.. Im getting a single betta for the tank and wanted something different. so heres what i was thinking

fake plants (I only do fake ones) to the sides as the back is mirrored.. and then getting some glass fish pretty ones no the 70s rubbish.... what u think... also can bettas have sand??

hang on just realised the back of the tank is mirrored.... will I need to partially cover this so he doesnt kill himself??
my betta loves the sand in my tank
yeah..... i'd love to have a sand tank it it hard to keep??? does it need special care??? do I vac it like I would gravel??
It is slightly different to gravel, but you can use the same thing! :D You hover it a little above the sand, and it will suck the poo from the top of the sand, as alot of it won't get below the surface because the sand packs together so well! Okay, the sand can look a little bit dirty because of the poo on it, but with a tank that small, you won't have many fish. I'd say definitely go for sand! :D I definitely prefer it to my starter tank with gravel in it. You can't have plecos or cories with a gravel bottom too, because it can damage their barbels.

You could use plants to cover the back of the mirrored part, but I think a backing is best. You get these and stick it to the back of your fish tank, and it makes a great, natural normally, look for your fish to feel safe near :D. Ill post a pic after this because i am doing it in fast reply ;)

But saying that, my betta is in a tank with all four mirrored sides, and he finds it fine. He doesn't get freaked out by "the other betta", and carries on as normal.

Hope this helps ;)

EDIT: Here ais a pic of my background, it's one from a while ago, when there wasn't much decoration blocking it ;)

my tank has two mirrored sides and my betta doesnt look twice at it
You could always give both of the sides a background :D. Unless you like looking from the side too, in which case plants and decor in the way could be a great idea! Whichever is up to you!

Hope all goes well with your new tank! :D
on the note of sand, ive found it nice but much harder than gravel to maintain. gets very dirty.
glass bettas sound nice ive never seen them if you buy one post a pic
I'm not sure but I think glass fish are picky about water paramaters, also I think they need a decent sized tank. Look into it before buying plz.
It sounds like your betta will have a happy home :]
I like the sand idea, and you might want to try some of the small aqua decor you can get for a dollar at wal-mart. :p

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