Albino Cory Eggs


New Member
Jun 22, 2004
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One of my Albino Cory's has started laying egg every week or so (might be 2 cory's with it being this often, not sure).

What are my chances of raising them in a breeding trap? and what do i need to do?

Hi smif79 :)

I've known it to be done, but it's difficult. It would be much easier, and your chances of success would be much greater, if you set up a separate breeding tank for them. This way, after they spawn. you could just remove them, clean out the gravel, etc., and hatch the eggs and raise the fry in it.

A cory breeding tank is simple and fairly inexpensive to set up. All you would need is a 10 gallon tank, a small air pump to power a box filter and an airstone, and a thin layer of fine gravel to cover the bottom. Cory fry do very well if they are fed on microworms and a starter culture can be purchased for around $5 US.

No offence inchworm, but i didn't find it dificult at all! I kept them in relatively not good conditions, but the best I could provide and all six eggs that i put in there hatched, and now are swimming around in the big tank (Hopefully anyway, I may have released them while they were still a little small! :( :S).

I kept major water flow over them by putting the net breeder right infront of the spraybar, and it worked. I even fed them with liquifry 3 times a day for over a month and the water didn't foul at all. I kept the water change regime as normal, which admittedly wasn't as good as it could have been. 10% per week, and the fry were absolutely loving it! :lol. They got taken out of the tank every few days, put into a plastic tub, and fed BBS, because the BBS would go straight through the net, and I would leave the net in the tub for around 10 mins before i put the net and fry back into the tank.

The parents bred after non-purpose conditioning, if that makes sense! :lol . I was feeding them alot more bloodworm than I found out was reccomended, about one cube every other day :p. I have stopped this now, as i found too much protein can be bad for my BN's, but as i said, I have stopped now.

I know for you inchworm, it's possible for you to get more tanks but for some it's just not possible.

Inchworm, I have just re-read this post and it sounds like i am really having a go at you, but I can't think of any other way to put it :S I'm sorry if this comes across offensive! I actually really admire you of your expertees in cory - keeping! :p

As i said, please do not take offence. It is not meant that way! :D
Hi smif79

Don't worry about asking questions; ask as many as you like. That's what the forum's for. :D

Cory eggs hatch in about 4 days.

Inchworm, I have just re-read this post and it sounds like i am really having a go at you, but I can't think of any other way to put it :S I'm sorry if this comes across offensive! I actually really admire you of your expertees in cory - keeping! :p

As i said, please do not take offence. It is not meant that way! :D

Hi dobbygolem :)

No offence taken. There are many different ways of doing things and no way is perfect. The good thing about forums is that we can all learn from each other's experiences. :D

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