

Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2005
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I went out today, and got 2 angelfish. Finally i have them!

They look healthy, and have no ripped fins apart from VERY slight frayed edges to them from a little agressive angel in the tank.

One is called Bob, and he is quite plain, whilst the other is called Crocket! . Crocket is basically like Bob, but he has spots over him. Bob also has s black splodge where his tail meets his body.

I'm just basically introducing them in this thread, and pics will soon be up. The only question is about their behaviour. . They seem to sometimes dart really rapidly then suddenly slow down. I have seen one do it in the direction of the other angelfish and the other angel swam away, but the rest of the time it has just been random directions, and not agressiveness. I have also seem to SOMETIMES, not all of the time, tilt to one side after darting. Then they carry on as usual. It doesn't seem to abnormal, and i wouldn't be surprised if this is normal angel behaviour, or just pecking order organisation or just forming territories, but i was just checking

Oh, and i guess they are just settling in, but they also tend to "hang out" together behind the bogwood!
Sounds like pecking order to me. Hanging out behind things, then doing a little exploring is normal for angels recently introduced to a tank.

If there is enough room light, & you don't have live plants, leave the tank light off for a day. Subdued light will make them feel more comfortable, thus acclimating to the new surroundings quicker.
Sounds like pecking order to me. Hanging out behind things, then doing a little exploring is normal for angels recently introduced to a tank.

If there is enough room light, & you don't have live plants, leave the tank light off for a day. Subdued light will make them feel more comfortable, thus acclimating to the new surroundings quicker.

I think ill just carry on as normal. I know it would be better for the fish if i kept the lights off but i now have lots of plants, and my room lights are quite fim :S.

If it's just pecking order, i'd like to find out who is the "leader", so i'll keep an eye out. Thanks. :)
I didn't even realize this was in the catfish section. Dang active topic button!
Btw, my angels have been fighting (or, pecking order) for over a year, and they still do the point that my black one has scars :/

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