What To Stock A 5gallon With?

A betta. If you plant it a dwarf puffer.
what to stock a 5gallon with?

1 siamese fighting fish and maybe a couple of very small other fish?

Wait for someone else to comment on the "couple of very small fish".

With a 5 gallon tank, there really isnt that much that you can stock. Siamese fighting fish are very pretty, ornamental fish, and do great as solitary fish. I say get a male, but dont get any brightly colored or fast swimming fish to go with him ;)
In a 5 gallon I (personally) definitely would not put any other fish with a betta. It's just too small to avoid possible conflict or territorial problems and I think it would be "an accident waiting to happen".

But it could make a lovely tank for a single male betta - especially if planted :)
If you go with the frog i STRONGLY reccomend an african dwarf frog, although I dont think it would fit in a 4gal with a betta. They grow to 3inches, and dont worry if you get it and sometimes see your betta looking like he is trying to eat it! :p He will most likely be picking off some of the skin he is shedding. Look carefully! ;)
If you go with the frog i STRONGLY reccomend an african dwarf frog, although I dont think it would fit in a 4gal with a betta. They grow to 3inches, and dont worry if you get it and sometimes see your betta looking like he is trying to eat it! :p He will most likely be picking off some of the skin he is shedding. Look carefully! ;)

thanx but i already have 4 of them in my 80G tank so i could move him when he grows.

there awesome lil things.
You can put a Betta in there. But I dont think you are limited to Betta only. I have a 5 gallon, and I have 12 fish in there for alomst a year now....they all are happy. However, they will not allow new fish to share the tank anymore.

I got 1 pleco, 4 neon tetra, 2 lemon tetra, 1 bleeding heart tetra, and 4 zebra danios. I always wanted mollies but they dont seem to last. I once had a Betta in there with these guyz but the lemon tetra and zebra danios picked on him so I took him out (he never attacked any of the fish).

So, yeah try Tetra's in there, since they are small fish. I would have shared pictures of my tank but I cant seem to find the uploading option here.
O_O a pleco in a 5 gallon.........!?!

neons need more swimming space than a 5 gallon provides.
i held 11 neons in a 5 gallon for a few weeks while their 15 gallon was being got ready, they seemed pretty sad in there, pacing the glass, didn't like it much.
I was expecting the pleco to grow but it's less than 2 inch. Once he gets big I will move him to a 50 gallon tank. So, far he is doing fine.

But I dont' know why he won't grow larger than his current size. I had him for like one year now.
You can put a Betta in there. But I dont think you are limited to Betta only. I have a 5 gallon, and I have 12 fish in there for alomst a year now....they all are happy. However, they will not allow new fish to share the tank anymore.

I got 1 pleco, 4 neon tetra, 2 lemon tetra, 1 bleeding heart tetra, and 4 zebra danios. I always wanted mollies but they dont seem to last. I once had a Betta in there with these guyz but the lemon tetra and zebra danios picked on him so I took him out (he never attacked any of the fish).

So, yeah try Tetra's in there, since they are small fish. I would have shared pictures of my tank but I cant seem to find the uploading option here.

well, atleast we kno NOT what to do now.

worst advice ive read.

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