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  1. DarrenUnwin

    Seriously Considering Closing Down My Tank

    If you have a pohsban reactor, try NP bio pellets, they worked wonders for my Nitrate problem.
  2. DarrenUnwin

    Water Test Kits!

    I just picked up a salifert phosphate kit today and is definatley more accurate, as I have been gradually swapping over from Nutrafin master kit as each test ran out. I have compared the results of both kits, especially when they include a check liquid (e.g KH) and my Nutrafin was way out...
  3. DarrenUnwin

    My Visit To Sharm El Sheikh

    diving is by far the best way of seeing the fish. My best dive ever was in the "Aquarium" at Jacksons reef. It really was out of this world. you learn so much from diving that you can relate to this hobby - but remember the only thing you take away is your memories (and photos) leave everything...
  4. DarrenUnwin

    Nitrate Off The Scale

    Also I can recommend NP Bio Pellets, I had nitrate problems, some of these in a fluidised reactor and NO3 and PO4 now fine although it does take a little while to balance it properly.
  5. DarrenUnwin

    Powerhead Position And Flow.

    Totally agree, mine sits behind the outlet from my filter system, although will move (waddle) about once its dinner time. I think this is usual behaviour, in all my years if diving, I cant recall seeing any swimming in open water, apart from in the the disney film
  6. DarrenUnwin

    Starting Up

    Sounds like a popular Christmas Carol, On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a 150 litre tank On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me a deltec mce300. ...... now that reminds me , need to send my coral christmas present list to santa.
  7. DarrenUnwin

    Uh - Oh!

    I share your loss, nearly had a major this weekend when I forgot to switch skimmer on after target feeding corals. Poor fish were on their last legs in the morning, lost a cleaner shrimp. Daughter totally gutted has it was her shrimp, she picked and named it
  8. DarrenUnwin


    Are you sure you test kit is accurate, given the water changes either something is dead and decaying or its being introduced. What are you other water params like.
  9. DarrenUnwin

    Blue Ringed Octopus

    aaah, the natural sea water changes probably explains why he's so happy, plus the fact he doesnt have to hunt out crab - I'd be happy if I could get my wife feeding me every other day That said, you have my respect, I wouldnt have the guts to keep one - keep us updated.
  10. DarrenUnwin

    Blue Ringed Octopus

    Dont worry about the name more to the point has he started prediciting the outcome of football matches - you might be onto a winner there - the german octopus really gave the bookmakers a hammer a few moths ago.
  11. DarrenUnwin

    Hooray I Killed All My Aiptasia!

    They can also do 100m in less than 10 seconds. I think they move faster than some of my cleanup crew. Many years ago I thought I had got rid of them with a couple of peppermint shrimps but they just have this canny knack of respawning. With all the new horror movies out at the moment perhaps...
  12. DarrenUnwin

    Np Bio Pellets

    Hi nemo The corals does look better, still bloated but the individual hammers seem to be more visible. My Duncan and Ric are also more extended. I'm also doing the water change today but I'm in too minds as to whether to reduce the amount of pellets at the same time. I started to use the...
  13. DarrenUnwin

    Np Bio Pellets

    Hi all, Tested this morning and Nitrates were between 2ppm and 5 ppm and interestingly the KH was 10.9 dkh. According to the instruction sheet natural sea water being 7-8 dkh it looks as if I might have been burning the corals. I tested with my old one and it said it was with the ok range, so...
  14. DarrenUnwin

    Np Bio Pellets

    Hi All, I have just purchased a Slifert test kit for KH and nitrates and will do a check when I get in tonight. I now have the pellets setup in the same manner as Johns pictures, unfortunately I dont have room for a sump, so on the advice of the shop where I bought the pellets I put them in...
  15. DarrenUnwin

    Np Bio Pellets

    Hi John, Thanks for the note, I have noticed the cloudy effect when I first started the pellets and more recently the NO3 has crept back up a bit from zero. The test kit i'm using is a Nutrafin so I'm not too sure is is highly accurate for the KH reading I add a KH buffer every couple of day...
  16. DarrenUnwin

    Np Bio Pellets

    Hi Parameters as follows, Nitrite 0 Nitrate < 5 Phosphate < 0.25 Alk approx 150 mg/L Hopefully this picture will show the coral
  17. DarrenUnwin

    Np Bio Pellets

    Hi Seffie, Just at work at the moment , I will re test tonight and post results and will also try and post a picture of the coral (if I can remember how to use photbucket). Darren
  18. DarrenUnwin

    Np Bio Pellets

    I started using Bio pellets a few months ago when I was having trouble keeping my nitrates low although my corals didn't seem to suffer too much at the time - mainly softies, kenyan tree, cabbage, sun plus a torch and hammer coral. The pellets have worked well and my nitrates have come down to...
  19. DarrenUnwin

    Tank Crash Help With Favia

    Hi Seffie, Many thanks, it was the nitrates that rose, still not sure why but I think I will do as you say and just leave the coral, if it gets worse, then I have nothing to loose in breaking it up.
  20. DarrenUnwin

    Tank Crash Help With Favia

    I got back from 2 weeks holiday with my Dad lloking after my tank. Whilst hes looked after the tank before and never had a problem, for whatever reason I had a crash and my favia coral which I have been growing for the past 5 years suffered badly. The coral was a large doom shape and basically...
  21. DarrenUnwin

    Nitrate Reduction

    Morri,a Just one quick question - Can I use them in the NR 400 instead of the deni balls and what would the flow have to be like. I'm T-ing off my return from my canister filter where I have my rawphos and some rock rubble so the flow is fairly slow. Many thanks
  22. DarrenUnwin

    How Much Rowaphos?

    Hi Stef, I dont believe you can over dose it as it simply soaks it up until it cant absorb more. If you are using it in a canister filter make sure you just move the bag around once in a while so the material does become compacted, this way all the rawphos is exposed to the water flow.
  23. DarrenUnwin

    Nitrate Reduction

    Thanks morri, the bio pellets looks interesting and theres some good success stories on the net, one "the grumpy old reefer" writes a well balance report. Think I will give them a try.
  24. DarrenUnwin

    Nitrate Reduction

    Hi Seffieuk Yes they are in a reactor, I got mine from a friend but they still sell them on the net for around £100. Normally I managed the nitrates with fortnightly water changes but I'm travelling more with work so I was looking for a way to extend them a while to say monthly. But I have to...
  25. DarrenUnwin

    Nitrate Reduction

    Hi All, I have just setup a Aqua Medic NR400 with deniballs as the media. Its been running for a week now and I have been adding additional Denimare powder every day as per the instruction sheet until the balls start to dissolve. I'm just wondering how long the unit will take to mature and are...
  26. DarrenUnwin

    Deonised Water For Refractometer Calibration?

    Is water from a room de humidifier also the same. If so I have it for free.
  27. DarrenUnwin

    Replacing Sand Bed

    Hi Nemo, Thanks for taking time out from looking after the little ones I've tried sand sifting starfish and struggled to keep them , is there any other inverts etc you would recommend (reasonably priced) Cheers Hi Nemo again No need to reply, I have just seen the topic about five slots...
  28. DarrenUnwin

    Replacing Sand Bed

    Hi, I have had my tank now for 4.5 years and my sand bed (1-2 inches) is starting to fill up with dirt and whilst I syphone it off best i can by disturbing it at water change I never manage to get it all out, so my question is If I syphon out the sand and detriment together back to the base...
  29. DarrenUnwin

    Ro Unit - Attach It When I Need It?

    Ah if only it was that simple, I would have flooded the kitchen more often, got the divorce then gone done the LFS and bought that lovely 6ft tank I dreamed about that she wont let me have.
  30. DarrenUnwin

    Ro Unit - Attach It When I Need It?

    At least they cant divorce you like my wife nearly did (legally anyhow)
  31. DarrenUnwin

    Ro Unit - Attach It When I Need It?

    I have a simular setup as I'm dont have space to plum internally. I just connect it to the garden hose tap and use it when I need it. Worked well for past 5 years although the benefit of having it inside is speed at which you filter the water. The warmer it is (house temperature) the better the...
  32. DarrenUnwin

    Sun Coral?

    Hi, The best method Ive found for Sun corals is to add a little of your main daily feed into your tank and wait 10 mins. This usuall gets the coral to open fully (if not already) then add you main feed so its can naturally collect the feed rather than "force it down its neck". However, you...
  33. DarrenUnwin

    Weird Algae..

    Quick question, does that mean it is best testing water from mid level in the tank for a true indicator of nitrates and phosphates. Cheers
  34. DarrenUnwin

    Skimmer Possible?

    Have you thought of an internal skimmer. I have a simular problem where space is extremely tight and a sump is not possible. I have a Deltec MC500 which works really well.
  35. DarrenUnwin

    How Many Led`s To Replace T5`s

    Probably agree for SPS but I have a simular tank size and have 4 Aqua Ray strips for well over a year and the corals (mainly soft but have favia, torch etc) and all are growing fine. No problem with colouring and reducing the heat wasa great bonus - no chiller now required.
  36. DarrenUnwin

    T5`s And Led`s

    HI Stef, I had T5 in my tank about a year ago and swapped the whole lot to LED and never looks back. The tank didnt overheat half as bad as it has done for the past few years and the ripple effect is great. Corals seem to be happy (mainly soft but I have the odd favia) and electrivity bill has...
  37. DarrenUnwin

    Automatic Dimmers

    Just the TMC LEDS 2 * Duos
  38. DarrenUnwin

    Care For Tank Whilst On Holiday

    Hi I wouldnt start messing around with a calcium reactor so close to your holiday, I would give your neighbour a crash course in adding the additives either as you do them now or can you freeze the required amount into managable blocks so all your friend has to do is defrost the liquid and add...
  39. DarrenUnwin

    Pulsating Zenia

    Also it depends if you want to see it pulsing. The slower the water flow the more pronounced the pusle will be. They are great to watch when all the powerheads are switched off at water change times, almost hypnotising.
  40. DarrenUnwin

    Automatic Dimmers

    Just thought I would add a quick update, dimmer purchased and is fantastic, what a difference it makes, the fish seem to love it especially at dusk as they seem to gradually quieten down as the lights dim. Dendra corals come out and the other zena etc close up. The moon light setting is also...